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Dear <<First Name>>,

September heralds a change - in seasons, in the air and in the mood.  The warmth of summer is still very much on our backs, giving us chances to enjoy the sunshine or paddle in the sea, but the signs of autumn are beginning to show, in the shorter days and the crisper mornings.  This time of change echoes our own shifts - in our mindsets, in our society and in our environment. 

As we say our goodbyes to HM Queen Elizabeth II this week, our country will be navigating a new wave of change, one which could understandably leave many feeling unsettled.  As a constant presence in many people's lives, it is natural to wonder what lies ahead - but the Queen was known for being a great listener and for always encouraging hope, which is something we can all carry forward with us.

Feeling stronger isn't about having
all the answers...

We live in a world which can increasingly feel overwhelming.  We are overloaded with news and much of it can feel scary.  Our everyday lives are being impacted by decisions not always in our control and it is natural to feel wobbly.  Mental Resilience can help to navigate these tougher times – here are a few ideas to build up your inner strength...
🟪 Get connected. Building strong, positive relationships with loved ones and friends can provide you with support, guidance and acceptance in good and bad times. If you are feeling isolated and intimidated, hobby communities, support groups and volunteer opportunities provide ways to meet people who may have interests in common with you.

🟨 Make every day meaningful. Do something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose every day – no matter how small. 

🟪 Learn from experience. Think of how you've coped with hardships in the past. Consider the skills and strategies that helped you through difficult times. 

🟨 Be proactive. Don't ignore problems – ignoring them only helps them to grow. Figure out what needs to be done – ask for help if you don’t know - make a plan and take action. Doing something always feels better than doing nothing.

🟪 Take care of yourself. Tend to your own needs and feelings, and eat well, because you matter. Participate in activities and hobbies you enjoy, and try to include physical activity in your daily routine. Get plenty of sleep and create consistent bedtime rituals.
Resilience is not about feeling strong in every moment of your day, but about feeling confident in your ability to work through and navigate challenges.

Find out more about my Resilience Training.

If you need further guidance, advice or support, feel free to contact me below.
Contact Me
💧Our energy levels can be affected by many things, but one of the easiest ones to rectify is dehydration.  Drinking water regularly can help us to feel less tired, and thereby helps our moods to be more consistent.  While it cannot solve all of our mental challenges, water can support the mind in ways we often take for granted.  So don’t shrug it off.  Go grab a glass.
OCD is often joked about – when someone is too neat or superstitious – but Obsessive Compulsive Disorder deserves to be understood much better than that.  It is an anxiety disorder affecting 1 in 100 people in the UK, who experience obsessions and/or compulsions.  Next month #OCDWeek will be taking place to raise further awareness.
Our brains are amazing things – they are continually learning and adapting – and while we may feel as if we are stuck in our ways, we can always change direction. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s amazing ability to rapidly change just by being used differently.  
⚡️ Find out how The Lightning Process I teach uses Neuroplasticity.
Wishing you easier days, to lighten your soul and lift your heart.

Warm regards,

Get in touch to begin your journey towards wellbeing.
Call me on 07949785334 or email me at

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