"Insight, news and resources on forests, renewable energy and forest products industry"
2022, Issue No. 8

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FRA Forestry Forum Meeting Announcement - 9/8/22

WHEN:         Thursday, September 8, 2022

WHERE:       Pleasant River Lumber – 542 Hammett Road Enfield, ME 04493

TIME:            4:00 - 6:00 PM - Tours and Social “Hour”

6:00 – 6:45 PM – Cookout Dinner

6:45 – 7:30 PM – Brief Remarks from Pleasant River Lumber & Guests

COST:           $25 for Members and $35 for Non-Members - Payable at the door. 

Payment via cash, check or credit card.

Pre-registration is requested to assure an accurate head count for meals! 

Join us at Pleasant River Lumber’s new sawmill in Enfield, Maine to kick off this Forum season. This is a great opportunity to connect with others in the forest industry while seeing Maine’s (and the Northeast’s) newest and most modern sawmill.

The evening program includes:

  • Tours of the mill, which is designed to handle small diameter spruce and fir;
  • Presentation from Pleasant River Lumber’s leadership on the Enfield mill, and how it fits in with the rest of their company (which includes four other sawmills, a logging company, timberland, and lumber yards);
  • Presentation from Standard Biocarbon, a firm constructing a plant at the Enfield sawmill that will use mill residuals to manufacture biochar, a carbon-stabilizing material that can be used in agriculture, manufacturing, and other applications.
  • Presentation from the Maine Technology Institute on the 2nd phase of their Forest Recovery Initiative – which will provide funding for projects that invest in the growing, processing and use of forest resources.

Pre-registration is required to assure an accurate head count for meals! (Jeff can’t just run to the kitchen and bring out an extra lasagna, so we need a good headcount.)

Forestry Forums are an important opportunity to network and bring value back to your business. Bring a friend! Invite a logger, forester or other prospective FRA member.

Please e-mail by Tuesday, September 6, 2022 to Eric Kingsley,

The Forestry Forum is open to everyone. FRA membership is encouraged but not required.

Meals can be purchased at the door with check, cash or credit card.

For more information, please contact Eric Kingsley at (207) 233-9910 or


Seeing How Other People Operate
In a special FRA blog, INRS' Eric Kingsley talks about the importance of seeing how other people and mills operate in the forest products industry in order to improve efficiency, safety and profitability at your operation - and to just plain open up your eyes to new ways of doing things.  This advice probably is good for anything in live!

See the article HERE.

Forest Carbon Market snafu - Is it like things to come or an isolated issue? 

INRS has been coordinating the North East State Foresters Association's Securing Northeast Forest Carbon Program for the last year. The education and outreach effort seeks to assure that all foresters and forest landowners in the northeast have the latest information about forest carbon and forest carbon markets so they can make informed decisions about how they manage their forests for carbon and, also if they choose, selling forest carbon offsets in the carbon offset marketplace.

At the website for the project, we list all of the forest carbon project developers working with large and small forest landowners.  One of those working exclusively with small family forest owners - NCX -  had some bad news recently that puts their program on hold at best and possibly stops it completely, at worst.  Verra, one of the forest carbon market registries, has ruled that the methodology for NCX's one-year harvest deferral forest carbon program does not meet the requirements of the Verra registry and so forest carbon credits from NCX cannot be listed on the registry for sale.

In the voluntary forest carbon offset marketplace (think Microsoft and Amazon spending millions to offset some of their company carbon emissions) there are no laws or regulations from government saying that a metric ton of carbon must be listed on one of the registries in order for it to be sold or bought.  But marketplace evolution of this private side of the forest carbon offset market has essentially done that anyways to assure that a forest carbon offset traded meets some kind of standard for quality and is "real".

We predict that forest carbon offset markets will probably look a lot different in 5 years (maybe in 2 years!) than they do today.  So keep up with it all by signing up for the Securing Northeast Forest Carbon Program enewsletter HERE.

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