September 9th & 12th, 2022
Welcome Home, Tom!
Tom entered Maine on Sunday, the 4th, and will ride up Morse Road tomorrow (Wednesday), the 7th sometime between 4:30 and 6pm. A few of us plan to gather to welcome him home. All are welcome if you'd like to join us in cheering him up the drive! Feel free to BYO picnic dinner or just enjoy some quiet time at the farm while we await his arrival.  
Here is your weekly glimpse of this week's harvest:

This week's CSA shares will include:
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, mixed summer squash, sweet white Spanish onions, pak choi, scallions, parsley, possibly lettuce and carrots, and PYO flowers. Local Heiwa tofu and additional produce will be available for purchase at CSA pick-up. 

Check out this week's blog post here: 
Weekly CSA Pick-up:
Fridays 3:30-6:30pm
Hope's Edge Farm, 73 Morse Road, Hope, ME

Weekly Farm Stand Hours:
Mondays 1-6pm, Sweet Tree Arts lawn, 4 Church Street, Hope, ME
Rain location will be 73 Morse Road in the CSA shed
Fridays 3:30-6:30pm, Hope's Edge Farm, 73 Morse Road, Hope, ME

Please bring your own bags!
This Week's Harvest

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Hope's Edge Farm · 73 Morse Rd · Hope, ME 04847-3019 · USA

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