


Life is a series of decisions and experiences that lead to the next decision and experience. How you perceive your life really depends on what you learned from your previous decisions and experiences. If you continue to make bad decisions, you will continue to have bad experiences. There are some situations that are out of your control, but a decision must still be made on how you handle your emotions, thoughts, and actions about that situation. I am not suggesting you become numb or have a false sense of positivity, but I will encourage you to not linger too long on the bad but focus on what good can come out of those unpleasant situations. Romans 8:28 KJV says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to God’s purpose.”


What we focus our attention on is where our line of vision, thought, and even prayers center. Your thoughts may be on why “nothing seems” to be going right in our life. Why did I put those two words in quotes, you ask? Because that is a matter of perspective. Can you go 24 hours without complaining or worrying…try it starting now. Then take note of everything good, great, positive, and joyous that is going around you, even under your own roof. I would love to hear from you about some things you may have never noticed before that have been there all along. You may find the answers to questions you had, solutions to problems that seemed to have gone unsolved, and strategies for projects long-forgotten. Now if that’s not maximization, I don’t know what is! Our lives were never meant to be lived a “pressed” on all sides type of way, where we are not living, just existing. Utilize the Gift of Time that God has given you by maximizing every moment, decision, and experience with the intention for good.


1.) Change your perspective

2.) Don’t make emotional decisions you may regret

3.) Pray more, worry less (Knowing, Trusting & Loving God is KEY)

4.) Steward your thoughts

Remember: Life is meant to be lived fully! Fully present. Fully Engaged. 


For more tips, resources, and solutions for your everyday life connect with us at to schedule a free 30-minute discovery call.


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