What does it mean to live in times of transition? For us, at the Global Ecovillage Network, it is ever more important to create resilient communities right where we are. Read on to learn where we are as a movement and what resiliencies are being created locally in our global community.
Ecovillages have always been laboratories for the future. In these times of transition it is ever more important to create resilient communities wherever you are. We are excited to invite you to our free workshop "Times of Transition: why Ecovillages?" that happens this weekend!
GEN Education Free* Workshop
Times of transition: Why Ecovillages?
THIS SATURDAY, 10 September. 12 - 13.30 UTC.
*Registration required.
Returning for its third cohort, our online EDE is NOW open for registrations. It will run from 1 October to 5 February, 2023 (with a 2 week break in December) on Saturdays.
"We have become disconnected from the spirit of community. But there are tools to reconnect." - Marc Domingos, participant of GEN online EDE
This online EDE is a rare treat, facilitated by some of the biggest names in the global ecovillage movement. Get ready to have your world view altered as GEN provides the framework needed to develop the project of your dreams.
Know more and register at the EDE website page here.
European Solidarity Corps Volunteers
The GEN office team, from the top left to the bottom right:
Ann-Christin Abbenhaus, Rubén Gutiérrez Cabrera, Karoline Petersen
Carolin Waldmann, Alisa Sidorenko, Irene Canalis
The time has come and we are saying good-bye to Ann-Christin Abbenhaus from Germany and Irene Canalis from Spain - the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteers that joined the GEN International team in the Findhorn head office for the last 12 months.
Celebrating both Ann-Christin and Irene for all that they have brought to GEN and the Findhorn community! Irene through actively supporting our communications team, the last online EDE and creating the Inspiring Women Healing the Earth Series and Ann-Christin for having been part of the education team and in particular for all her contributions to GEN’s Twinning Regenerative Educators project.
Thank you Irene and Ann-Christin for your commitment, passion and joy and all the best for your next steps!
Check out Irene’s article “A year guided by Animal Spirit Cards” to konow more about the the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) with GEN International. Read Ann-Christin's post about her experience with the ESC.
Ecovillage in Action
Successful project completion
We are celebrating the successful completion of the Ecovillage Transition in Action project!
The project “Ecovillage Transition in Action” explored how ecovillages, community-led initiatives, local government and local academic institutions can collaborate to scale both horizontally and vertically in order to catalyse regional sustainability innovation.
Ecovillage Transition in Action was a three year long strategic partnership between 5 partner organizations from 4 countries: Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) International, Global Ecovillage Network - Germany, Hurdal Ecovillage Norway, ECOLISE and University of St Andrews. It was funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme.
The project shares learnings, inspirations, outcomes and tools which will be made available within the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned and read more about it on the the project website where also all outputs will be shared.
If you have any questions about the project and how you will be able to use the outputs for your local authority or community, please feel free to get in touch with us at education@ecovillage.org
We are excited to introduce our newest course: Ecovillage Startup, launching soon. Follow us on social media to keep up to date on the course's development.
A practical, solutions-based experience for rural and urban ecovillage dreamers and new ecovillage creators. Join some of the best ecovillage creators and leaders on the planet as they share their experience on how to start an ecovillage.
Join the waitlist and be notified when registrations are live!
Robina McCurdy, a wisdom keeper in the ecovillage movement, shares her experience of how the Whole Systems Design principles have been activated in many community food systems and environmental restoration projects she has been involved with. These inspirational stories will lead us from how these projects came into being and what they do, to who they serve, their main challenges and why they are successful today.
Join us to hear what motivates Robina, as well as her life-work relationship to Whole Systems Design and how to embody these principles in our own project designs.
Register here for the live webinar.
This live webinar is a part of the Whole Systems Design module of REGEN-Nations programme, read more about the full module here.
Our friends of the Foundation for Intentional Communities have several in person and online learning opportunities in the following weeks:
See all FIC events here.
The Dragon Dreaming network invites you to the 2022 Confestival International.
Since 2012 people have met through the Confestival to share ideas, experience and to be together. Now it is time to reconnect and celebrate, to dream the new!
6th International Dragon Dreaming Confestival 2022
1st – 9th of October
Online- & Real-Live-Events
This gathering is happening online and offline with a curated programme of contributions by Dragon Dreamers worldwide. And it´s for free!
Whether you´re a Dragon Dreaming Trainer, Trainee, Enthusiast or completely new to this philosophy and looking for inspiration, new ideas and connections to make a positive change in the world – the Dragon Dreaming Confestival is where you want to be.
Know more at the Dragon Dreaming Confestival website.
The members of SoFA’s Intentional Communities Circle are pleased to announce our 2nd annual online conference on Saturday, November 19, 2022:
Sociocracy in Intentional Communities:
Creating A Future That Works For All Today
The conference will explore how sociocracy supports ecovillages, cohousing projects, and housing cooperatives to meet social needs through resilient, equitable and regenerative self-governance practices.
They are currently accepting submissions for presenting a 50 minute session at the conference, know more and apply here.
Twinning Regenerative Educators
We are excited to share with you one of our latest projects, Twinning Regenerative Educators, and highlight each of our collaborators.
We are bringing together 20 educators to build a community of practice and co-create various educational resources: a toolkit, teacher training, and ecovillage principles design cards for children. Spanning every region, collaborators bring experience from ecovillage schools, traditional schools, and community projects.
GEN is stewarding this enquiry to weave the knowledge and experiences into a new fabric that will serve educators and children within the network and beyond. These are some of the collaborators:
Stay tuned to our Facebook page to hear more in depth about each of our collaborators each week.
Are you ready to begin designing thriving communities and societies that live within our planetary boundaries? Macaco Tamerice invites you to join our global online classroom Ecovillage Design Education course.