Just a reminder that Love in Action starts in one hour, 10:30am-12noon on Tuesdays, or Thursdays 6:30-8pm. We are so looking forward to hearing from you about what UUs value, and the proposed changes to our UU principles! ❤️🙏
Do you know the seven (or eight) UU Principles? I first learned the children's version in this song, sung to the tune of "Do-Re-Me"

One, each person is important
Two, be kind in all you do
Three, we're free to learn together
Four, and search for what is true
Five, all people have a voice
Six, create a peaceful world
Seven, we care for Earth's lifeboat
That will bring us back to me and you UU!

Did you also know that when the UUA bylaws were created, in 1961, they stipulated the principles were supposed to be revised every fifteen years? And the last time we changed them was in 1987... that's a bit longer than fifteen years.

There have been many projects, resolutions, task forces and other strategies that have come from the UUA Board, Commission on Appraisal and grassroots groups which encourage us to take a look at our principles, purposes, bylaws and rules. In 2020, the UUA decided it was time for us to do a review and make changes so that we are living into the Unitarian Universalism of the future, a Unitarian Universalism that holds us in times of great need and ethical, moral and spiritual crises. The "Article 2 Study Commission" was called in 2020 to review our values, principles, sources and purpose, and this is the final year. We will vote at GA 2023 on the new article 2.

Join us to take a look at the proposed draft language, and center in on what UU values mean to you and your congregational community.

Love In Action
Let's Talk About the 2023 Changes to Our UU Principles, Sources, and Purpose

Our social justice work centers putting our UU values into action… but what do UUs value? In 2020 the UUA commissioned a team to study the principles, sources, purpose, and values of Unitarian Universalism in order to suggest changes to the principles and sources (Article 2) in summer 2023. UUJAZ has been following the proposed changes, and we want to hold space for a weekly conversation to explore our individual and collective values.

Learn more about the Article 2 Study Commission here

Register here:
Valley UU with Rev. Sarah Tuesdays September 6th - October 11th, 10:30am - 12pm

Baja 4 Congregations (Mountain Vista, Borderlands, Tucson, and Sky Island): Thursdays September 8th - October 13th, 6:30 - 8 pm

Sedona with Rev. Anthony Wednesdays Nov 9th - December 14th, 10:30am - 12pm

Granite Peak coming soon

Check out the other UUJAZ programming options below

Issues + Action Day 2022
Save the Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 9am - 5pm

Join us to celebrate at our BIG annual statewide event… back in person for the first time since 2019! Issues + Action Day brings us together as UUs from across Arizona, along with folks from our partner organizations, and visits from national UU guest speakers, in order to grow our movement for social justice, and put our faith into action. 

Reserve your early-bird tickets by October 1st at

The ABCs of Abolition

We know the recent stripping of our reproductive rights, the threats to religious freedom, the looming cloud of digital surveillance… it's a lot to hold. Abolitionist theory offers us the solution. When asked, "What's the ONE thing you wish UUs would learn about this year?" our BIPOC-led partner organizations responded "abolition!" Let's learn and imagine together, how to transform our communities into places where no one is outside the circle of love. Join UUJAZ to talk about how abolition is a part of our UU values, and how an abolitionist movement is moving us towards liberation.

Let us know you're interested here

☑️ Democracy hangs in the balance, reproductive rights have been decimated, and we are still waiting for promises about climate and immigration justice to be realized. In the meantime: the pandemic, economic injustice, racism, sexism, transphobia, and homophobia keep us exhausted and unsure of what to do. But UUJAZ has your back. Join us to be in community with UUs across Arizona who are making a difference in their communities, grounding each other, and sharing ideas for electoral engagement.

📢 Are you collecting signatures for ballot initiatives, canvassing, writing letters, phone-banking, working as a poll observer, or any other electoral work? Contribute to your congregation's "Good Trouble" results and let us know at and view your congregation’s progress at

⛪Join us for a UU the Vote service in your congregation, with actions to follow:
Beacon UU - August 28th
Borderlands UU - September 11th
Valley UU - September 18th
Phoenix UU - September 25th

✉️ Email Casey Clowes, UUJAZ Congregational Organizer and UU the Vote Program Coordinator, with any support needs at


UU Day at the Legislature 2023
Monday February 20th, 9am at the Arizona State Capitol

When we come together for collective action, we build power in our movement for justice and liberation. Save the date for this year's annual UU Day at the Legislature, at the Arizona State Capitol, which has traditionally included a lobby training, guest speakers, a capitol tour, and appointments to speak with your legislators. To be sure we involve congregations as much as possible in re-imagining this event, we'd love for all folks to take a minute to give some feedback. If you think you'd be willing to be a DATL "captain" for your legislative district, you can indicate that, too. 

Please fill out the form by Nov. 15th here


Fight for Reproductive Justice with Sex Education
Save the date for our statewide OWL teacher training, Friday March 3rd - Sunday March 5th 2023, in Tucson

Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and, now more than ever, has the potential to save lives. That's why we are proud to offer a statewide teacher training for Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula that lifts up the values of self worth, sexual health, responsibility, justice, and inclusivity.

It is our goal to be able to offer OWL in all Arizona UU congregations, as well as support many of our UU-adjacent community partners in training teachers to offer OWL. Ask yourself if becoming an OWL teacher is the spiritual practice for you, in the fight for reproductive justice.

Register at

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