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Hello <<First name>>,
This is Nicola, Sayantani, Uttara & Hassnain from the iGEM Community Newsletter team. This month, we highlight our iGEMx launch, EPIC entrepreneurship events at the Startup village and bring you the opportunity to be an iGEM delegate!
The iGEM Grand Jamboree is happening this month!
Be an iGEM Delegate for Biological Weapons Convention Conference
Deadline: 17:00 UTC October 25, 2022
Are you interested in biosecurity? Do you want to be a voice for iGEM, synthetic biology and young scientists at the international stage? iGEM Foundation will be sending a group of youth delegates from the iGEM community to the first week (Nov 27 – Dec 2, 2022) of the 9th Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva, Switzerland. Become one of up to 12 iGEM Conference Delegates!
iGEMx - Watch past sessions & sign up for upcoming talks!
In the very first iGEMx session, Niek Savelkoul - CEO of Scope Biosciences shared his journey from being an iGEM participant to starting up his own business in Synthetic Biology. Missed it? Don’t worry, check out this link for the recording! Also, there are a few exciting talks by Maarten Lubbers and Kenani Kanani in the pipeline.
So, what are you waiting for? Here’s the registration link!
Visit the iGEM Startup  Village at the Jamboree!

Are you interested in the entrepreneurship world? The Startup Village at the Grand Jamboree is your place to be! Two days full of events and activities are waiting for you on the Startup Stage and our Workshop Room. Live and breathe where the heart of Synbio Innovation is beating.
SynBio Research Highlights
Threading single proteins through pores to compare their energy landscapes 
Tripathi et al. (2022)

Translocation of proteins is correlated with structural fluctuations that access conformational states higher in free energy than the folded state. We use electric fields at the solid-state nanopore to control the relative free energy and occupancy of different protein conformational states at the single-molecule level. [...]
Read more.
Engineering SARS-CoV-2 specific cocktail antibodies into a bispecific format improves neutralizing potency and breadth
Ku et al. (2022)

One major limitation of neutralizing antibody-based COVID-19 therapy is the requirement of costly cocktails to reduce emergence of antibody resistance. Here we engineer two bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) using distinct designs and compared them with parental antibodies and their cocktail. [...]
Read more.
Are you looking to hire iGEMers for your team? We got you!
Submit your open positions here
Jobs & Opportunities
Industry/Non-academic Job Opportunities
Academic Positions
  • Postdoctoral Scientist: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge UK

  • Postdoctoral Scientist: Conduit Lab,  Institut Jacques Monod, Paris- Applicants should send a CV, cover letter and contact information for one or two mentors or supervisors who can provide a letter of recommendation to Paul Conduit ( Informal enquiries about the project and job responsibilities are welcome.

This newsletter was made like any good PCR- the machine stopped midway through, and the team started over again, but those bands came out like a Picasso.

Waving from around the world,

The iGEM Community Newsletter Team on behalf of iGEM Community

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Our mailing address is:  iGEM Foundation, 45 Prospect Street Cambridge, MA 02139