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Save the Date: In Person Meetings
Jun 7: Member's Meeting, 9-10:30 am, Portland

Aug 2: Member's Meeting, 9-10:30 am
Oct 4: Member's Meeting, 9-10:30 am
Nov: MAHC Conference

MSHA QAP & LIHTC Example Input - Hearing 5/17

Some members have shared input they are submitting for MSHA's 2023-2024 QAP.  Evernorth has concerns about Appendix E and shares their testimony here. In it, they include  examples of how other State's have addressed the issue.

You can participate in a public hearing on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Maine State Housing Authority, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta, Maine.  The proposed rules and rule-making notices are here. To listen or testify virtually, please contact Gerrylynn Ricker no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at  MaineHousing, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta, Maine 04330-6046; (207) 626-4600 (voice); 1-800-452-4668 (voice in state only); or 711 (Maine Relay) or via e-mail: Feel free to email MAHC with comments on this as well.
Governor Mills Signing Event for LD 2003 and LD 201
Thank you to MAHC board member, Amanda Olson, Exec. Dir., of the Augusta Housing Authority for hosting this momentous event. We appreciate all the MAHC member's support for the steady, long-term efforts that helped us arrive at this event. Media coverage: NewsCenter


Legislative Session Summary

The work of the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition this legislative session was marked with some major victories that will pave the way for more affordable housing for all Maine families. The power of the coalition was shown with a couple major victories:

Our top priority bill, LD2003 sponsored by Speaker more.

A full report with the final disposition of MAHC monitored bills.

MAHC Op Ed: Everyone Can Play A Role In Solving the Affordable Housing Crisis

"Residents can support development and zone changes in their community for affordable housing development. Businesses can invest in housing for their workforce. Philanthropists can consider opportunities for retrofitting homes for seniors, supporting volunteer driven home development, and other unique opportunities." MAHC's Director, Laura Mitchell went on to say, "Historically, limited resources and investment have left Maine only building several hundred units of affordable housing a year. Throughout Maine, it’s urgent we set higher goals and prepare to be producing 1,000 affordable units a year." Read the full article here.

Meet Laura Mitchell, new Director of MAHC

Over the next few months in my new role as MAHC Director I look forward to meeting many of you in person or via Zoom. I want to understand your business challenges and how MAHC can support Maine in meeting it's need for 1,000 new units of quality housing a year. Please find a time on this calendar when we can meet. I'll loop back to you soon afterward with whether in person or via Zoom will be best for that time slot. Feel free to book two 30-minute blocks together if you'd like more time. Thank you and I will see you soon. Laura
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