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Volume 7 • Issue 3 •  May 6, 2022

Grape Flea Beetle or Cutworm, Now Is Their Time!

Grape buds are starting to swell and now is the time to scout for flea beetle and cutworms that may hollow out grape buds. The injury observed from both species look very similar. However, it is important to determine which is causing damage, as control measures differ depending on which pest is present in your vineyard. Read more here.

Galinsoga Management in Wisconsin Strawberry Production: Another Weed on the Move

While not a newcomer to the Upper Midwest, in the past year or so we’ve observed and heard many reports of another weed on the move in Wisconsin fruit and vegetable production: galinsoga. In fruit production, these reports are primarily related to new strawberry plantings, where galinsoga has become established and prolific in diversified rotational crops like vegetables grown in prior years. Learn more about the highly problematic weed here.

2022 Webinar Series Feedback

Our team would like your feedback on this season's programing in order for us to develop future collaborative webinar series. We would appreciate if you took a few minutes to answer the survey linked here.

You can find all webinar recordings on our website linked below or visit our YouTube Channel.

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Editors: Josie Russo, Amaya Atucha, Christelle Guédot, and Leslie Holland 

References to products in this publication are for your convenience and are not an endorsement of one product over similar products. You are responsible for using pesticides according to the manufacturer's current label directions. Follow directions exactly to protect the environment and people from pesticide exposure. Failure to do so violates the law.

Wisconsin Fruit Team Contact

Amaya Atucha
Extension Fruit Crop Specialist

Jed Colquhoun
Extension Fruit Crops Weed Scientist

Christelle Guédot
Extension Fruit Crops Entomologist

Leslie Holland 
Fruit Crop Pathology Specialist

Josie Russo
Communication Specialist

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