
CARIM Newsletter June 2022

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This newsletter contains information on the following subjects:
  • CARIM Symposium 2022 - Save the date 
  • Wynand Wijnen Education Prize Ben Janssen
  • UM Dissertation Prize 2021 Estelle Nijssen
  • Harry Crijns Research Grant
  • Pélerìn arts-assistenten symposium 
  • Academic Events
  • Cardiovascular Grand Rounds Maastricht
  • Lectures, symposia & events
  • Vascular Rounds
  • Workshop Single Cell Sequencing
  • Veni pre-proposal training 2022
  • Grants Grace

CARIM newsletter

Contributions for the newsletter (e.g. news of events and grants, important publications, societial impact related topics and research results related to CARIM's research) can be sent to Please submit the text in English and include a short title. The text should be max. 200 words. If applicable, include high resolution pictures and other documents.

SAVE THE DATE: CARIM symposium 16 November 2022

CARIM Symposium 2022 will take place on Wednesday November 16 (save the date!!). This year’s Robert Reneman Lecture will be given by Professor Peter Stenvinkel, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm.

The location of the symposium will be the Minderbroedersberg followed by a festive evening. More information on the programme will be distributed as soon as possible.

CARIM PhD call 2022 - Deadline 30 September

The financial resources of CARIM and of some of our PIs have enabled the Executive Board of CARIM to launch in 2022 again a Call for Proposals to fund three PhD candidates in order to reduce these financial resources and to invest in strategic opportunities for CARIM. Based on the experiences of the previous call we have made some modifications. Please read the attached text closely before you start to write your proposal.​

The submission deadline is 30 September 2022 (to Please consult your PI and Raoul Rongen (controller) about the financial eligibility.

Click here for the call text and the application form

Wynand Wijnen Education Prize Ben Janssen

Ben Janssen was awarded the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize during Maastricht University's 46th Dies Natalis. The Wynand Wijnen prize is awarded to staff members who have made an exceptional contribution to education at Maastricht University. "We should take note of the unique situation that Ben was nominated twice to win this award, both individually and as part of a collective. It's almost inevitable that Ben Janssen was rewarded for his efforts".

UM Dissertation Prize 2021 Estelle Nijssen

At Maastricht University's 46th Dies Natalis, Estelle Nijssen was awarded the Dissertation Prize 2021 for her thesis "AMACING: Evaluation of Guideline-Recommended Prophylaxis To Prevent Contrast-Induced Nephropathy",

Coen Stehouwer among Top Scientists for 2022

Prof. Coen Stehouwer (Dept. Internal Medicine) is ranked among the Top Scientists for 2022 by 

For the 2022 edition of the ranking, more than 65,700 scientist profiles on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph have been examined with several indicators and metrics reviewed in order to consider each scientist’s inclusion in the ranking.

The h-index threshold for approving a scholar to be considered was set to 70 if most of their publications were in the field of medicine. The inclusion criteria for scholars to be considered into the ranking of top scientists are based on the discipline h-index, the proportion of contributions made within the given discipline in addition to the awards and achievements of the scientists. 

Click here to read the full article.

Harry Crijns Research Grant

De Harry Crijns Research Grant, in het leven geroepen door het Hart en vaat onderzoekfonds Limburg,  in te stelle  wordt periodiek toegekend aan jonge wetenschappers die zich bezighouden met klinisch cardiovasculair onderzoek en daarmee bijdragen aan de realisering van de doelstellingen van de foundation.

Prof. dr. Harry J.G.M. Crijns was tot December 2020 voorzitter van de vakgroep cardiologie van het Maastricht UMC+ en bestuurslid van CARIM. Gedurende zijn lange en succesvolle carrière in de translationele en klinische cardiologie heeft Prof. Crijns ontelbare bijdragen geleverd aan de cardiovasculaire wetenschap, in het bijzonder op het gebied van atriumfibrilleren. Hij heeft een belangrijke rol gespeeld in de vormgeving van cardiovasculaire research op lokaal, nationaal en Europees niveau en heeft een grote impact gehad op de carrières van vele assistenten en collega’s en op de levens van vele patiënten en hun naasten.
Hart en vaat onderzoekfonds Limburg, onderdeel van Health Foundation Limburg, heeft dan oo
Logo Hart en vaat onderzoekfonds Limburgk besloten om een Harry Crijns Research Grant in te stellen. Deze grant ten bedrage van € 25.000 wordt periodiek toegekend aan jonge wetenschappers die zich bezighouden met klinisch cardiovasculair onderzoek en daarmee bijdragen aan de realisering van de doelstellingen van onze foundation.

Download hieronder de informatie over hoe u een aanvraag kunt indienen.
Let op: indienen vóór 15 september 2022


Aanvraagformulier Harry Crijns Research Grant

Voorwaarden Harry Crijns Research Grant

Cycle Paris: Team Hartenbank

During the event 'Cycle Paris' organised by the Dutch Heart Foundation (26-30 May 2022), Jerremy Weerts and Michiel Henkens (Dept. of Cardiology) - part of 'Team Hartenbank' - cycled from The Hague to Paris to raise money for the Heart Tissue Bank. They cycled 591 km, with 2637 alitmeters in 4 days and raised 121,648 Euros for the Dutch Heart Foundation. 

The Heart Tissue Bank is a non-profit biobank that collects and stores heart tissue and related clinical data of individuals with and without previously known cardiac diseases. Researchers all over the world can use the stored heart tissue and related clinical data for their research. These researchers investigate for example how a healthy heart functions and what exactly goes wrong in various heart diseases. The (future) work of the Heart Tissue Bank would not be possible without financial support.
For more information about the Heart Tissue Bank go to


Pélerìn arts-assistenten symposium 

Geachte arts-assistenten, arts-onderzoekers en semi-artsen,
Het jaarlijkse Pélerìn arts-assistenten symposium is dé mogelijkheid voor arts-assistenten, arts-onderzoekers en semi-artsen om wetenschappelijk onderzoek, verricht vanuit het Maastricht UMC+, onder de aandacht te brengen.
De 27e editie zal dit jaar op woensdag 5 oktober plaatsvinden. Tevens zal een interessante gastlezing worden verzorgd door Ernst van der Pasch over de dokters van de toekomst. Alle arts-assistenten, arts-onderzoekers en semi-artsen kunnen een abstract indienen, welke zal worden beoordeeld door een jury, bestaande uit stafleden van de verschillende klinische specialismen. De beste presentaties worden tijdens het symposium beloond met respectievelijk de Pélerin Wetenschapsprijs en Pitchprijs. Semi-artsen kunnen meedingen naar de Pélerin Semi-arts prijs.
Hierbij de oproep tot het inzenden van abstracts via het online formulier, te bereiken via deze link. Meer informatie over het indienen van abstracts kunt u vinden in de richtlijnen op de website
De deadline voor het indienen van een abstract is woensdag 8 juni 2022, 23:59 uur.
Met vriendelijke groet en alvast bedankt voor jullie inzet,
Namens de Pélerìn Commissie 2022,
Karlijn Demers en Lars Hillege
Public Relations Pélerìn arts-assistenten symposium 2022

Academic Events

PhD conferral Judith de Ruijter-van Dalem, 2 June, 10.00 hours, MBB 4-6
Supervisors: Prof. M.C.G.J. Brouwers, Emeritus Prof. F. de Vries
Co-supervisors: Drs A.M. Burden (ETH Zurich), Dr. J. H.M. Driessen
Title: Tailored therapy in type 2 diabetes unintended effects of glucoselowering agents

PhD conferral Luise Klein, 2 June, 13.00 hours, MBB 4-6
Supervisors: Prof. D. van den Hove, Prof. L. Schurgers, Prof. C.P.M. Reutelingsperger, Dr T.G.A.M. Wolfs
Title: Protection of the preterm brain against inflammatory stress A promising role for stem cellbased therapy and Annexin A1

PhD Conferral Jaap Seelig, 8 June, 16.00 hours, MBB 4-6
Supervisor: Prof. H. ten Cate
Co-supervisors: Dr M.E.W. Hemels (Rijnstate ziekenhuis Arnhem), Dr R. Pisters (Rijnstate ziekenhuis Arhnem)
Title: Quality of contemporary anticoagulation management in atrial fibrillation 

PhD Conferral Pauline C.S. van Paridon, 9 June, 10.00 hours, MBB 4-6
Supervisors: Prof. H. ten Cate, Prof. P. Wild (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany)
Co-supervisors: Dr H.M. H. Spronk, Dr M. Panova- Noeva (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany)
Title: Markers of Hypercoagulation in Cardiovascular Disease in the General Population

PhD Conferral Pomme I.H.G. Simons, 15 June, 16.00 hours, MBB 4-6
Supervisors: Prof. M.C.G.J. Brouwers, Prof. C.D.A. Stehouwer
Co-supervisor: Dr O. Valkenburg 
Title: Unravelling the triangular relationship between polycystic ovary syndrome, cardiometabolic disease and de novo lipogenesis

Inaugural Lecture Dr Marc Hemmelder, 16 June, 16.30 hours, MBB 4-6 
Title: Over lage en hoge fronten

PhD conferral Joseph E .I.G. Brouwers, 23 June, 10.00 hours, MBB 4-6
Supervisor: Prof. H. ten Cate
Co-supervisors: Dr J. A. Remijn (Meander Medical Center Amersfoort), Dr B. de Laat (Synapse Research Institute Maastricht) 
Title: Platelet-rich fibrin interactions in oral implantology

Who's New?!

Cardiovascular Grand Rounds Maastricht

10 June - Toon van Veen, UMC Utrecht 
'Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: from bedside to bench and back to the patient'

17 June - Casper Schalkwijk, Maastricht University
'Methylglyoxal in diabetes, its vascular complications and other age-related diseases'

1 July - Martijn Hoes, Maastricht University 
'Modeling pregnancy-related heart failure'

8.00-9.00 AM online and on-site

ZOOM-link for all meetings:
Meeting ID: 972 2487 2025
Password: 678252

The steering committee for the Cardiovascular Grand Rounds consists of CARIM staff members of the 3 divisions (Heart, Vessels and Blood) and includes Renske Olie, Sébastien Foulquier, Pieter Goossens, Jordi Heijman, Rory Koenen, Blanche Schroen, Julie Staals and Kristiaan Wouters. If you have suggestions for a specific topic or speaker, please contact any of the committee members and they will assist in scheduling the lecture with you.

Lectures, symposia & events

3rd European Fatty Liver Conference - 8-10 June 2022
EVBO/ESM Vascular Biology Summer School for PhD/MD students and early career postdocs - 13-15 June 2022
What's up, EU? talk on EU Innovation Initiatives and Opportunities for Universities - 15 June 2022
Academic Publishing Symposium - 20 June 2022
Cardiorenal Seminar Prof. Philip Wenzel - 23 June 2022
MaCSBio Science Day 2022 - 21 June 2022
6th Jubilee Translational Cardiovascular Meeting, Utrecht -  June 23-24, 2022
4th Maternal Hemodynamics congress - 23-25 June 2022
Joint Meeting between the GfMVB and the BMVBS - 7-8 July 2022
“Cardiovascular Summer School: Clinical and Experimental”,VIII edition Pisa - 4-9 July 2022 
Cardioimmunology Zurich 2022 - 14-16 September 2022
Vascular Rounds | Hyperlipidemie: Keuzestress? - 27 September 2022 
Vascular Rounds | Hypertensie: intensief en invasief - 22 november 2022

School Council meetings 2022:
13 June:       13.00 - 15.00h 

KNAW agenda
Brightlands news

Vascular Rounds 

De Vascular Rounds MUMC+ worden al sinds 2003 georganiseerd door de sectie Vasculaire Geneeskunde van de vakgroep Interne Geneeskunde van het MUMC+, voor vasculair geïnteresseerde medici in de (opleidings)regio Limburg en zuidoost Brabant. Deze avonden hebben thema’s zoals hypertensie, stolling, diabetes, hyperlipidemie, vasculitis en ook nieuwe, actuele vasculair gerelateerde onderwerpen. Het programma wordt jaarlijks door een onafhankelijke wetenschappelijke commissie samengesteld, met input van de deelnemers. Alle bijeenkomsten worden jaarlijks geaccrediteerd door o.a. NIV met 3 punten per bijeenkomst en zijn CGR goedgekeurd.

Doelstelling is (vasculaire) informatie met elkaar te delen, teneinde ieders kennis op dit terrein up to date te brengen en te houden. We nodigen hiervoor regionale en nationale sprekers uit die expert zijn in de diverse vasculaire onderwerpen. Tevens streven we ernaar om hiermee de samenwerking en daarmee de kwaliteit van de vasculaire geneeskunde in de hele regio te bevorderen. Deze uitwisseling van (praktische) kennis en informatie voor en door alle aanwezigen is voor velen een belangrijke reden om aanwezig te zijn, in combinatie met het intercollegiaal netwerken. De Vascular Rounds MUMC+ vervullen een belangrijke regiofunctie.

Deze nascholings-bijeenkomsten vinden 4x per jaar plaats en worden bezocht door gemiddeld 40 tot 45 medisch specialisten per avond. Vanwege het regionale karakter vinden deze bijeenkomsten plaats in Roermond, ECI-cultuurfabriek. Iedere nascholingsavond start om 18.50 uur en eindigt om 22.10 uur.
Vanaf 18.00 uur is iedereen welkom om gezamenlijk een lichte warme maaltijd te nuttigen (buffetvorm) met voldoende tijd voor contact met elkaar. Via de website is actuele informatie te vinden en de mogelijkheid tot aanmelden.

Workshop 'Analysis of single cell sequencing data' - July 13 2022

Dear colleagues,

In the first successful single cell sequencing workshop we showed participants how to prepare samples. In our second workshop, we will train you for the next step:

Bioinformatics analysis of single cell sequencing data.

Click here for information on registration for this hands-on workshop organised in Maastricht on July 13 2022 from 9:00-17:00 (Universiteitssingel 50). 

CARIM acquired the 10x chromium platform for single cell/nuclear sequencing, which is open to use by all FHML scientists. Bioinformatics seems a big hurdle in the single cell pipeline, but  many wet lab scientists have been able master this already. So, no idea what feature plots or dot plots are, or how they are made? Did you just send your first prep off to be sequenced?  Then, join us for this user’s day for free to know more about practical steps in sequencing analysis.  Learn how to process your sequence file in the program “Cell ranger”, cluster similar cells together with “Seurat”, and identify differentially expressed genes.
Basic R/R Studio experience is required. Registration is free, but spaces are limited.
Register before June 15: 

Hope to see you there,

Judith Sluimer, Professor of cardiovascular pathophysiology
Florian Caiment, Department of Toxicogenomics
Jana Hegenbarth, Department of Cardiology
Javier Perales-Paton, RWTH Aachen and Heidelberg University

Veni pre-proposal training 2022

This training is intended for young researchers who are preparing a Veni pre-proposal, and will run from May until July 2022. The training provides hand-on advice and support in the writing process. During the training, you will review other pre-proposals and rewrite your own draft. Active participation and preparation before each session is therefore expected. The training takes place in small groups of 3-4 researchers on either Tuesdays or Thursdays (all half-day sessions live at UM). Due to the limited number of participants, a selection process will take place based on CV.

You can register for this training until Monday 9 May, 2022 at 12.00.

Click here for more information on the training sessions and the registration procedure.


Grants Grace

For information related to calls or to discuss (other) funding possibilities in the future (e.g. funding roadmap), please contact Willem Wolters for support. If you decide to prepare a proposal, please inform Wouter Hankel well in time for the budget, especially when matching is required. 

Please note that UM has a license with the searchable funding database: This is available for all UM and Maastricht UMC+. You can set alerts to receive the latest information on opportunities in your area of research. If you cannot access the database, please contact Willem Wolters.

The online tool Impacter addresses all items for a good impact chapter of your draft proposal. Moreover it gives you feedback on the societal impact section of your research proposal, such as the knowledge utilization paragraph in all NWO proposals. In short, Impacter helps to write a better application.

In recent years,  the attention for social impact has increased and so has the wish to measure it. Examples of proposed indicators include references in patents, policy documents, textbooks and news papers. This new type of indicaors is named "altmetrics". The UM has a license for the use of Altmetric Explorer. Altmetric is a platform that tracks and analyses the online activity around scholarly research outputs. It gathers data on outreach activities through (social) media, user statistics from reference managers, and mentions in patents and policy documents.

Check out the CARIM website and our monthly funding alert for an overview of the current and upcoming funding opportunities.
Copyright © CARIM Maastricht University, All rights reserved.

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