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Dear Friends,
I have some exciting news to share! One of Broadview’s generous donors has offered to match the donations to our Spring Friends Fund campaign, up to $50,000.
That means that every dollar you give today goes twice as far in helping Broadview carry out its mission — to connect and inspire you, our community of readers, through progressive stories on spirituality, ethical living and social justice issues, produced by Canada’s top writers, photographers and illustrators.
Your donation today matters more than ever. The last few years have taken their toll on our subscription and advertising revenues, and we’ve been drawing heavily from our savings to cover our operating costs. We need your help to reach our campaign goal of raising $134,000 by May 31, 2022.
Please donate today. You’ll not only double your donation, you’ll inspire others to do the same!


Jocelyn Bell

P.S. Whether it’s $50 or $500, your tax-receiptable gift is a lifeline.

Donate Now

If you prefer, you can also make your donation by phone or cheque:  Call 1-866-807-5515, or mail to Broadview Donations, 228 Lesmill Road, North York, ON, M3B 2T5.
You are receiving this e-mail because you opted in at our website or have an existing business relationship with us as a donor or subscriber.
Jocelyn Bell, Editor-Publisher, Broadview.
Our mailing address is:
Suite 304, 177 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, ON M4K 1N2
Our Charitable Registration Number is 119064772 RR 0001.
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