Dear <<First Name>>,
This year’s LLI Annual Meeting will be held in person in Olin Hall on Friday, May 13. The business meeting will be called to order at 9:30 a.m., but please arrive early to enjoy a light brunch beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Olin Atrium.
We need an accurate member count to prepare for the brunch, so please use the instructions below to register for this event by May 9, 2022.
Please remember to wear your LLI nametag with stickers or bring proof of vaccination/booster.
Our president, Nanci Kryzak, will report on LLI’s current program year, recognize retiring Council members, and introduce the newly-elected officers and members at large who will begin their terms of office on July 1. We’ll hear about the Bylaws Review from our second vice president, Felice Gelman, and our president-elect, Robert Beaury, will give us a look at LLI’s future.
Members will be asked to approve both the 2021 annual meeting minutes and the tentative budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year which begins on July 1, 2022.
We’ll watch a very special slideshow, Faces of LLI, to conclude the gathering.
Linked below are the 2022 Annual Meeting Agenda, the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes (also on the LLI website), and the 2022-23 Tentative Budget: