Dear <<First Name>>,
Click on the button below to respond to the Annual Member Survey for 2022. Now is your chance to tell the LLI leadership what you think about LLI and how we have handled this year, bringing back in-person and Zoom classes, and how we are moving forward in this ever-changing world.
Your survey responses are vital, and this year your feedback is most critical. We have returned to offering a selected number of in-person classes and will continue with remote learning. We have more options to explore in the 2022-2023 academic year and we want to know what matters most to you.
This survey is anonymous, but there are places where you can include your name and email address and this would help us in planning for the future. Thank you for taking about ten minutes to complete this survey. Submissions will be accepted until May 30. We on LLI Council are thinking about you, and we eagerly await your response!
Linda Stanley,
1st Vice President