An Amazing Student-Driven Event Last Saturday!

The brief appearance and encouraging words from Mayor Tishaura Jones may have been what attracted the many in attendance at Greg Freeman Park last Saturday for a Youth Civic Engagement Rally organized by Civitas intern, Vera Rosenblum from Metro High School. But the messages from other speakers were as powerful and positive. Brianna Chandler, a Wash U student and youth activist, recalled a rally she organized as a high school student after Michael Brown's death that resulted in reprimand from school authorities and local police. But that hasn't stopped her. "Education is inherently political," she reminded everyone. What we learn in school, where we learn it, and with whom is influential. She also reminded those in attendance that "Politics is not a hobby, but how you live your life." Kennedy Moore from Pro Choice Missouri talked about her work with improving Missouri's sex education curriculum so it includes messages of consent and LGBTQ+ components. Alice Kovarik, another Civitas intern from Metro High School, shared a story about her first direct role of activism, writing a letter to her 5th grade gym teacher about his preferential treatment of boys in leader positions for sports. She quoted Representative Rasheen Aldridge saying, "Truth is Power," as her inspiration to stay informed and involved. Sam Jonesi and Genevieve Mendoza shared the recent work of River City Climate Collective in helping the homeless in St. Louis affected by extreme weather. Genevieve's closing message was a great way to wrap up the powerful morning, "You don't have to try and change the world alone."
To see more photos from the event, click here.
Concerned about the climate? Tim Ely of Citizen Climate Lobby speaking tomorrow evening at Schlafly Library Branch about
what YOU can do!

3 More Middle School Model UN General Assemblies this week!
This week we have 3 action packed General Assemblies!
- Wednesday, May 4 will be Lafayette Prep Academy and Wydown Middle.
- Thursday, May 5 is a virtual session with Rancho Solano and Whitfield.
- Friday, May 6 will be Ladue Middle, Lafayette Prep Academy, and Hixson Middle.
Resolutions are still being posted online but there is such a wide variety of topics! Students will be discussing issues like educating girls in Afghanistan, water scarcity in South Africa, food relief in Yemen, vaccines in Latin America, and other global concerns. To see photos and resolutions from all General Assemblies, click here.
If you have a Middle School Model UN question, feel free to contact Bobbi Kennedy at
Wednesday, May 4 at 6:15 pm
A Climate Action event at Schlafly Library, 225 N. Euclid Ave., 63108.
Sign up here.
Wednesday, May 4
Middle School Model UN General Assembly
Thursday, May 5
Middle School Model UN General Assembly
Friday, May 6
Middle School Model UN General Assembly

Russian President Vladimir Putin walks past a guard in Moscow during a ceremony at the Kremlin honoring the country's Olympians and Paralympians on Tuesday, April 26. Maxim Shemetov/Reuters
This past week at the United Nations