Dear students,
As the semester draws to a close, I want to thank all of you for a successful and productive school year. You make Pitt an exciting place to learn, work, and live—and for that, we thank you.
With so much activity surrounding the end of the year, don’t forget to prioritize your health and safety. As you move about the streets of Oakland, please be aware of your surroundings—and be particularly mindful of traffic patterns when crossing the street. Find more tips for pedestrian safety here.
While we understand the excitement that comes with the end of the year—and warmer weather—please remember to “celebrate responsibly.”
With finals approaching, we recognize that the end of the year can also be a very stressful time. Beginning Monday, we will offer two weeks of “de-stress” programming to help you power through finals. Highlights will include: Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, take care of yourselves: get enough sleep, eat well, and make time to exercise.
Let’s commit to staying healthy and safe, and finish the year strong! Good luck with finals, and have a great summer!

Hail to Pitt!

Kenyon Bonner
Vice Provost and Dean of Students

Market Research Survey to Students

The University of Pittsburgh is working with an independent partner, Lipman Hearne, to conduct important market research. The survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, will help us better tell the Pitt story to prospective students. Please look for an email from Lipman Hearne within the next day or two and click on the link inside to participate.

Please be as forthcoming and candid as you are comfortable, with the assurance that responses will be confidential and shared with me and the rest of the administration in aggregate only. Completed surveys will be sent directly to Lipman Hearne, not to anyone here at the University. 

Thank you so much for your consideration and support. 

Student Affairs
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