

May is For Expansion

May is heavy, thick and energetically charging

*May Habits
*How to Shift your Daily Routine?
*Food and May Diet
*Moon News and Cosmology
*May Rituals

Welcome to Full Bloom May

This is the time in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth is moist with lush green landscape, buzzing bees and birds in the air, where the temperature is raised, the Sun is bright and inviting us for outdoor activities.

May is the transition month of Spring into Summer.

May Habits

This is the month known for “spring fever”  where Pitta predominant folk go into hyperdrive and activity, while Vata predominant folk are excessively enthusiastic. Kapha predominance is psychologically overwhelmed. Heat for Kapha leads to congestive imbalance. 

May is the month of blood thinning, shedding the winter fat and your body getting ready for summer temperatures. 

*Vata feels aggravated during this time if you experience dehydration, dry mouth, weak muscles, and mental fog.

*Kapha feels aggravated if you find your hands and feet easily getting puffy after a moderate walk or physical activity.

How can you shift your Daily Routine?


Outdoor activities peak during this time of the month. Spruce up your daily routine with frequent walks, jogs, hikes and activities in the Sun to replenish the lost Vitamin D from the winter months. 

Adopt a neti pot daily ritual to clear out your channels, sinuses and keep allergies at bay. 

  • Fill your neti pot with boiled and slightly cooled water and sea salt (himalayan also is good). Mix it up i until salt is melted.
  • Gently tilt your head over the sink as you pour water from the top nostril allowing it to drip out from the bottom nostril, while you breathe slowly through the mouth.
  • Repeat on the other side after you blow your nose in between.

Dry Brushing or Dry Powder massage as a biweekly treat at least, helps improve and stimulate your lymphatic system

Gentle twists and stretches in the morning awaken your digestion and activate the movement of bodily fluids and digestive enzymes.

Shift your Diet?

May is the month of freshness and bloom.

The color green predominates and so is the season for consuming fresh salads. 

Fresh Salads however, are not beneficial for all. They are to be eaten in particular times of day, when the Sun is high, and digestion is strong. For those who have compromised metabolism, gently roasting or steaming vegetables is recommended.

May is the month of Bitter and Astringent.These tastes help burn Kapha but can aggrivate Vata. 

May is the month of Pitta, Pitta governs the small intestine, the skin, eyes, liver and gallbladder.

Your best Liver and Gallbladder Friends are Aloe Vera Juice, Giloy, Amla juice/powder.

Green salads are bitter and a perfect cleansing for the liver and gallbladder. This spring cleansing increases vitality and alleviates sluggishness.

How does this look on your plate?

Cooling foods such as cucumber lime, avocado cilantro calm the immune system and help soften the stool and clear inflammation. 

Herbs such as fennel seeds, lime zest and coriander can be used too. 

To boost energy, this is a good time to increase the sweet taste  and replenish lost electrolytes. Sweet taste are most grains, proteins and fats.

Light fruits such as green mango, green papaya, kiwi and blueberries retain brightness  and keep you cool as the temps rise.

Strawberries are antioxidant in nature and also aid in relaxing the liver fire, by regulating any excess heat.

Your May friendly grains are amaranth, barley, quinoa, promoting lightness and dryness.

This is the time where you shelf root vegetables and potatoes, as their nutritional value isnt as high as some of the aerial parts of the vegetable plants and fruits during this season.

So, replace your potatoes with plantains, and invite more vitality through your food with fruits and leafy greens. 

May is the best month to follow a vegetarian diet. 

Tofu and Mungbeans are a good choice of lighter easily digestible proteins.

For a personalized Diet based on your constitution an Ayurvedic Consultation is available for booking now. 

Moon News

Cosmologically May is a month packed with thick and heavy vibes and transformative shifting energies. Eclipse season begins with the Black New Moon on April 30th

It is called black moon because it is the 2nd new moon occurring in the month of April.

This Taurus New Moon is the 1st partial solar eclipse in 2022, opening the portal to fresh opportunities and new directions.

A lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse this month set the stage for a deep transformational shift. Planets are also doing a cosmic dance, as Jupiter enters in the Aries constellation on May 10th.  This is a time where our soul contract gets activated catapulting us in the next stage of evolution. 

Jupiter in Aries sets the tone for a new expansion in the collective consciousness.

“Are you looking to begin new projects? Are you stuck in the same routine? “

Be ready to jump forward into a long needed expansion and innovative spirit. May is the turning point month. Where one chapter closes in the story of your current life, and another one opens. This could create a bit of resistance if you are not ready to accept the flow of new shifts, so welcome this awareness into your conscious self and create a bit of space to greet all that is new. 

May 10th is also when Mercury, the planet of communication and inner mental states, goes in retrograde, inviting you to reflect and dive deep inside yourself. Allow this time to process and integrate all that you are. 

By May 24th Jupiter, the planet of expansion, Venus, the planet of love and Mars the planet of conflict will all be in the constellation of Aries, driving us forward, into innovative expansion, productivity and much needed growth.

The Full Blood Moon on 15th/16th of May is also a total Lunar Eclipse, vortex energy exciting the spark of deep and fulfilling expansive transformation.

We end this Shifting Transit Month from Spring to Summer, with the Gemini New Moon on May 30th, inviting lightness and open mindedness, as we set our sites for the Summer Days.

This is it.
Embrace the New,
Out with the Old, and
Let yourself Fully IN,  with whatever you Do.



Invite space  in your daily routine to bring into awareness your subtle being.

The tools to use are:

1. smudge tool such as sage, copal, palo santo.
2. A bowl of water with garden petals.
3. Notepad, release the thoughts that cross your mind onto the paper. 

1.) First cleanse your space and yourself by burning sage, palo santo or copal, repeating the following mantra:

“I am one with light and love, I am one with grace. 

This cleansing tool expands my soul, 

lightens my load, and frees me from all that is heavy.

I feel light; I feel strong. I am a radiant channel of light. 

Only love can enter. And so it is.”

Set an intention as you cleanse your space. 


2.) Take your bowl of water and begin gently stirring it with your finger in a clockwise direction.
Repeat a few times quietly to yourself


“I am grateful for this body, 

I am grateful for my mind, 

I am grateful for the Sun that rises,

I am grateful for all my time. 

I am grateful for what has come my way, 

I honor both dark and light. 

These experiences have made me who I am, 

they have allowed me to take flight. 

Into this Eclipse gateway I do go, 

open to the new opportunities life has to unfold.”

3.) Reflect your thoughts and processes on a notepad to review your progress and integrate the new attunement and self raising frequency. 

May you invite the light, and clear the dark as you grow and expand in all directions of your life.
Happy May!
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