APRIL 29, 2022


Sharing your stories of encouragement, inspiration and Missional Living so that all may delight in His goodness! Send stories and photos to, and tag us on social media #WeAreFirstPres.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–His good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:2


A Lot Can Happen in a Year

It’s common for Jonathan Wagner, Director of College Ministry, to engage in conversation with every college student he meets – and those students engage him right back. This was the case with Alek Harper, a student at UCF who met Jonathan in the library. 

“The first time I met Jonathan, I was really lost,” said Alek. Thinking back, he remembered asking God for a sign of direction for his life. However, when Jonathan first invited Alek into the Gospel and community with other Christ-following students, he was skeptical. “The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like it was the right thing to try.” Their first encounter was last Fall, and so much has changed for Alek since then. 

Jonathan remarked, “this guy is a new believer, gathering with us regularly to engage scripture, pray, and encourage others toward God in their struggles.” While recently processing his journey with a friend, Alek was struck to remember that just a year prior he wanted to burn the Bible – and now he embraces it fully. “A lot can happen in a year,” his friend replied.

Because of his new faith community, Alek recently had the opportunity to serve a family in need. When Jonathan asked for help moving Lillian Bowen, a member of our Young at Heart group, Alek was quick to say yes. He invited Jaiden Harris, a friend from UCF, and a team of First Pres-ers joined Lillian’s family to move all of her furniture and belongings up five flights of stairs. They spent all afternoon talking, laughing and working with one another. Jonathan was encouraged to see all serving joyfully and without burden. 

Alek was grateful to share his newfound love of Christ through service. It reminded him of a conversation he’d been returning to with Jonathan over the course of their meetings together – Jonathan often spurs his students to become vessels of the Holy Spirit toward others. Alek remarked that helping Lillian move was an opportunity to become a vessel to her, much like Jonathan had been a vessel to him at the beginning of his faith.

What a testimony! It’s true. A lot can happen in a year.

Learn more about our College & Young at Heart ministries to become a vessel of faith in your age and stage.

“They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna!’ 
‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’
‘Blessed is the king of Israel!’

John 12:13

Love in Bloom

The weeks preceding Easter are always busy for Covenant Partners, Cindy and Walt Chambers. They cut, clean and prepare more than 100 palm fronds every year to be used in the Palm Sunday pedestal arrangements in the Sanctuary. All this is thanks to one, not-so-little tree! 

Cindy always purchased smaller fronds for our First Pres kids to wave, but struggled to find bigger fronds to build her beautiful arrangements. Taking matters into her own hands, Cindy’s overgrown Acacia Palm has received a substantial trimming each year for the past 12 years to provide the perfect-sized greenery to don our sacred spaces.

This kind of service isn’t out of the ordinary for Cindy. She’s been getting involved since she found First Pres in 1979. “There was just something about First Pres that felt like home.” Initially, she was captivated by the music and the choir, and then her love blossomed. The people she met were so kind, and the way the Word was preached was so moving – she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Cindy first volunteered teaching SHINE’s two year olds. After eight years, she joined the Flower Team, and has been there ever since.

When asked why she started working in the Flower Ministry, Cindy’s answer was simple: “I just liked flowers. It was fun for me!” Her advice for those seeking to Live Missionally was similar: “You can always find a place to plug in. Don’t be afraid to try something, especially something you love!” She remarked on how much, like a flower, her knowledge and love for the Lord has grown and bloomed over the years. The experiences shared while serving her Church Family have been a great joy! 

Learn more about our Flower Ministry and see where your gifts could bloom at First Pres!

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples."

1 Chronicles 16:24

All Work & Lots of Play

To be an Orlando Fellow, you’ve got to be willing to roll up your sleeves and break a sweat. On a recent service trip to the Dominican Republic, the Fellows went to work serving Mission Emanuel, a long time mission partner of First Pres. They were the first group from our church to visit the Mission since Fall of 2019, making the experience extra special.

They started their first day in the best possible way – running around with kids! While the girl’s braided hair, the guys gave piggyback rides. It was a recess of grand fun and laughter, and then they were off to their next job. Just down the hill from the Mission was the worksite where the Fellows spent most of their time building a house for the father of the Mission’s Operations Director. 

Mr. Carlos, as he was affectionately called, was always nearby to lend a hand as the Fellows moved hundreds of cinderblocks, passeded concrete back and forth, and built up the walls of his future house in the blazing Dominican sun. The foreman at the construction site, known as Chi Chi, kept a watchful eye on the quality and precision of their work. Chi Chi and Mr. Carlos were a constant joy, as each would say about the other, “el habla basura,” meaning “he talks trash.” Though most of the Fellows did not speak Spanish, each one felt a close camaraderie with the gentleman because of their big smiles and even bigger hearts.

On their last day, the Fellows toured Chi Chi’s and a few of the other construction workers’ homes – each one had been helped by Mission Emanuel in the past. Upon entering each home, the Fellows joined hands with the men and their families, praying for them and the important work they were doing. Fellow, Dylan Kearney, the only fluent Spanish speaker, translated each of the prayers as the other Fellows prayed. 

Before leaving, the Fellows engaged in the best possible way – they ran around with more kids! Brett Kreider, Director of Development, walked the Fellows downtown to a large baseball field that Mission Emanuel helped build. They started kicking around a soccer ball and it wasn’t long before nearly fifty kids showed up from the surrounding neighborhoods to play! They were playing baseball, soccer, braiding hair, trying to have basic conversations and just laughing with one another before it was time to pack up and head home. Team translator, Dylan Kearney, was asked about the trip. He put it simply, “I didn’t ever want to leave!”

You don’t have to go to the Dominican Republic to make a difference. Help a neighbor mend a fence, paint a room or wash a car. Live Missionally toward others to share the love of Jesus. Consider joining a Serve Team to Love the City.

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