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A photo of Rock Glen Falls at Rock Glen Conservation Area.

Job posting for Rock Glen Conservation Area Assistant

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is seeking an energetic, customer-service oriented person to work at Rock Glen Conservation Area (RGCA).

Learn more or apply now:
Photos of Junior Conservationists in summer job.

Job Posting – Summer Student Position – Junior Conservationist

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is accepting applications for a Junior Conservationist. 

This is an 8-week summer student position (July and August) funded by Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation. 

The position is designed for a senior secondary school or first year college/university student to gain experience in various roles and departments within the ABCA to see if this is a career path for you. 

Learn more here:
A poster for May 19 turtle education event.

Ask a Biologist about Turtles

Would you like to learn more about turtles from people who know a lot about them?

Join us for our first Ask a Biologist event on May 19, 2022.

Drop by the pavilion at the Port Franks Community Centre on Thursday, May 19, 2022 between 6:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.

The topic is Turtles.

Learn from Hope Brock; Kari Jean; and Cristen Watt of Ausable Bayfield Conservation.

Learn how to:
  • Report turtle sightings
  • Build a nest protector
  • Move turtles across roads
  • How biologists monitor turtles
Come with your turtle questions!

Learn more:
This is a scenic shot of a river.

Off-road vehicles strictly prohibited on properties, trails owned by or managed by ABCA

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) would like to remind the public that off-road vehicles are strictly prohibited on properties and trails owned or managed by the ABCA. 

ABCA has contracted the Municipal Enforcement Unit (MEU) to enforce the laws applying to conservation areas and trails. 

If you see people riding off-road vehicles in an ABCA conservation area or trail, you can report these activities toll-free to 1-888-286-2610 or you can email 

You can also call MEU at 1-855-900-9119.

Learn more:
A photo of people enjoying healthy hikes.

Enjoy Healthy Hikes

Conservation Ontario's Healthy Hikes social media campaign began on May 2, during Mental Health Week (May 2-8, 2022). 

The Healthy Hikes campaign will run from May 2-October 31 and will feature a new theme each month.

Watch Ausable Bayfield Conservation's four social media platforms for posts about Healthy Hikes.

To find a conservation area where you might take a healthy hike, visit our conservation areas page: #HealthyHikes
A photo of water.

Water Wednesdays

Learn about ways you can protect your drinking water each Wednesday until June 1, 2022.

The local drinking water source protection program is sharing a #WaterWednesdays public education message each week on social media.

Follow Ausable Bayfield Conservation through any or all of its four social media platforms to read the posts.

Four our social media channels, visit our social media page:
A photo of trees planted.

Job posting for Stewardship and Conservation Land Assistant

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is accepting application for the 8-week summer position (June 20 – August 12) of Stewardship and Conservation Land Assistant. 

Learn more or apply now:
A photo of a Rock Glen Falls sign.

Job Posting for Recreation Park Attendant at Rock Glen CA

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is seeking an energetic, customer-service oriented person to work at Rock Glen Conservation Area (RGCA), for the position of Recreation Park Attendant. 

Learn more or apply now:
This is the cover of the Shoreline Slope Stability Risks and Hazards fact sheet.

Emergency Preparedness Week

Emergency Preparedness Week 2022 is May 1-7. 

The Shoreline Slope Stability Risks and Hazards fact sheet (Terraprobe Inc.) offers important information for people with properties on the shoreline or people visiting. 

Read the fact sheet now: 
A photo of a wetland project.

Improve your property, water quality with green infrastructure

An Ausable Bayfield Conservation green infrastructure program can help you to plant trees, create or enhance wetlands, and protect water quality. 

To find out about tree planting and wetland programs, and grants and staff technical expertise to help you make enhancements on your property, visit or contact staff at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.

This local program is called ‘Enhancing rural green infrastructure in the Ausable and Bayfield watersheds.’ 

The program is to protect and improve water quality, create habitat, reduce flooding and erosion, and help communities to adapt to extreme weather events and mitigate the effects of climate change. 

Wonder what green infrastructure is? Find out more:
A photo of Max Morden, new land trust Chair.

Land trust looks forward to second decade of work preserving natural areas with support of donors

Nature is permanently preserved and enhanced on four local properties in an historic part of Ontario thanks to generous community donors and the work of the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC).

The land trust elected Max Morden as new Chair at the HTLTC’s Board of Directors meeting on April 28, 2022. He takes over from Past Chair Roger Lewington who has led the land trust since its inception in 2011.

Max says the HTLTC Board of Directors looks forward to its second decade of preserving the nature benefits of land for the future.

“We would like to thank all the families who have donated land and all the generous community members who have made donations to preserve these important natural areas for the future,” he says. “They are truly leaving a lasting land legacy.”

Past Chair Roger welcomes Max to his new role, and expresses his heartfelt thanks to the families and organizations who donated these protected lands, and to the local people who donated towards land acquisition and maintenance.

“We are so very lucky to have such thoughtful, generous, and visionary people in our area,” he says.

Read the full article here:
Visit to learn more.


71108 Morrison Line,
RR 3 Exeter, ON
N0M 1S5


We encourage you to schedule ahead for appointments.

Our hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

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