
Six Chief Parts

Issue 60

Sketches of Faith & Life in the 175-Year History of the LCMS

Happy Anniversary! This past week the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod celebrated its 175th Anniversary. In celebration I re-read some of my favorite passages from a book called, “At Home in the House of My Fathers” that is a collection of sermons and speeches from past presidents of our church body. One of my favorites is Friedrich Pfotenhauer. He was the president of the Synod when it celebrated its 50th Anniversary. Here’s what he had to say:

“Well then, beloved brothers, we shall celebrate our jubilee with fear and in hope. With fear, since we see ourselves, we see the world and the devil who “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (I Pt. 5:8). We celebrate with hope because we look to the Lord. And because the Lord is more powerful than the world, hope will more and more overcome fear. And so, we will be preserved as much from fleshly security as from doubt, which is more terrible than death. To be sure, for us a glance into the future is frightening, but we shall not waver. We hope that the Lord is gracious. We will also joyously fulfill our course and with our fathers celebrate the eternal jubilee year in the Church Triumphant. We pray confidently, I Kings 8:57-58, ‘The LORD our God be with us, as He was with our fathers. May He not leave us or forsake us, that we may incline our hearts to Him, to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His rules, which He commanded our fathers.” Amen.

Sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter

Today's Readings: Ezekiel 34:11–16,1 Peter 2:21–25, John 10:11–16

The Introit is: Psalm 33:1, 18–20; antiphon: Psalm 33:5b, 6a

The Collect of the Day:
O God, through the humiliation of Your Son You raised up the fallen world. Grant to Your faithful people, rescued from the peril of everlasting death, perpetual gladness and eternal joys; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

The daily readings for this week: May 1: Ex. 32:15–35; Luke 6:39–49; 2: Ex. 33:1–23; Luke 7:1–17; 3: Ex. 34:1–28; Luke 7:18–35; 4: Ex. 34:29–35:21; Luke 7:36–50; 5: Ex. 38:21–39:8, 22–23, 27–31; Luke 8:1–21; 6: Ex. 39:32–40:16; Luke 8:22–39; 7: Ex. 40:17–38; Luke 8:40–56.