Note from the Division Chief
Dear faculty, residents, alumni, and friends of the Duke Division of Urology,
Spring has always been my favorite season. I believe having grown up in the Midwest for most of my life, I have come to appreciate the incredible changes that occur around s during this time of year. I recall going on hikes in early April in Michigan; the grass had not wakened from dormancy and was still brown, tree buds were barley swelling and ice could still be present on some of the ponds. There were signs of life awakening but we had to go to Matthaei Garden, the University of Michigan Botanical Garden to witness it. There in the lowlands protected from wind the first vestiges of spring, Symplocarpus foetidus, commonly known as skunk cabbage, could be seen poking through the snow and ice. This incredibly hardy perennial plant, a relative of the peace lily and calla lily, is one of the first to bloom in Michigan.
Skunk cabbage - Matthaei Botanical Garden, University of Michigan
Duke has its own treasure in the Sarah P Duke Botanical Garden. It is really a crown jewel and I highly recommend you spend some time there. Frederic M. Hanes, a physician at Duke University played a pivotal role in its genesis. Hanes received his medical degree at John Hopkins Hospital in 1909 and after several academic stops at Columbia, the Rockefeller Institute, and at the Medical College of Virginia, he arrived at Duke in 1931 and became a Professor of Medicine in 1933.
Dr. Hanes - courtesy of Duke University Medical Center Library and Archives.
Upon his arrival he was often found exploring and abandoned debris-filled ravine on not far from the hospital. He looked beyond the initial impression and envisioned a beautiful garden. Dr. Hanes was determined to convert the unsightly ravine, which he walked daily, into a garden incorporating his favorite flower, the iris. He persuaded his friend, Sarah P. Duke, widow of Benjamin N. Duke (one of Duke University's founders), to give $20,000 to finance a garden that would bear her name. In 1935, more than 100 flower beds were in glorious bloom with 40,000 irises, 25,000 daffodils, and 10,000 small bulbs of assorted annuals. Ellen Shipmen, one of the pre-eminent American landscape architects, transformed the original space and incorporated additional acreage. Today, there are four distinct gardens and five miles of walkways and trails. While the garden offers beauty year-round, its spring showing is nothing short of spectacular.
GJF - Sarah P. Duke Garden Spring 2019
The "Sarah P. Duke" is here because of the vision, dedication and energy of Dr. Hanes as well as others. Duke Urology has grown and prospered because of the vision, dedication and energy of both past and current division chiefs as well as it faculty. I want to offer my deepest thanks to all of you, past and present, who have made Duke Urology one of the premier academic urology entities in the United States. Duke Urology, like the Sarah P. Duke Garden is a treasure to be proud of.

Gary Faerber, MD, FACS
Professor and Chief, Division of Urology
The Division hosted the 54th Annual Duke Urologic Assembly in April in Orlando at the Grand Floridan Resort at Walt Disney World. What a marvelous academic conference it was! Kudos to Drs. Glenn Preminger and Judd Moul for creating its content and assembling an incredible faculty list. I was informed by Dr. Preminger that the DUA holds the title of being the longest-running annual academic urologic conference in the U.S. After having listed to the talks given by the faculty, I understand what a "jewel" this annual conference is.
Clinical, translational, and basic science researcher from across the US and the globe met virtually for two days to present and discuss advances in benign urology research. Duke Urology and Urogynecology team members (medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty) made multiple presentations and garner many awards (see below in Kudos section).
Duke Urology fellow Kevin Krughoff presents his research on artificial urinary sphincters during a breakout session on Reconstructive Urology.
The full program can be found at
We will miss our three chief residents when they finish in June, but are excited for them to commence their careers.
Greg Barton MD, a native of Colorado, will be heading back west to practice in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Kohl Boydston MD, will be returning to his home state of Wisconsin to enter a practice in Milwaukee.
Bradley Potts MD, our military resident and graduate of Duke Medical School, will be assigned to Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg, NC. He will be joining recent graduates Stevie Sexton MD and Joe Fantony MD.
Jodi Antonelli MD was appointment as an Assistant Editor of The Journal of Urology.
Aaron Lentz, MD, was promoted to Professor of Urology.
Michael Lipkin, MD MBA, was appointed Cary N Robertson Associate Professor of Urology. Established in 2010, the Cary N. Robertson, MD Associate Professor of Surgery endowment supports scholars of merit in the field of Urologic Surgery who have demonstrated compassionate patient care, clinical excellence, and dedication to education similar to its namesake. The Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Lipkin in November. Brant Inman, MD MS held this distinguished title through 2021.
Glenn Preminger, MD was recognized with a 2022 Distinguished Scholar Alumnus Award for research excellence by the American Urological Association. He was also appointed the Southeastern Section Representative to the Board of Directors of the American Urological Association. He was also elected Secretary of the American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons for 2023-2028.
Jonathan Routh, MD MPH was appointed as an Editor of The Journal of Urology.
Chuck Scales MD MSHS received a U24 award to continue coordinating center work of the NIDDK Urinary Stone Disease Research Network. This award will support the completion of the Prevention of Urinary Stones with Hydration (PUSH) trial, which is the largest prevention randomized clinical trial ever conducted in urinary stone disease.
Kevin Krughoff, MD was awarded best abstract in the Reconstructive Urology Podium Session at the Southeastern Section American Urological Association Meeting in San Juan PR on March 16-19, 2022 for his project, "Artificial Urinary Sphincter Cuff Downsizing Improves Continence and Patient Satisfaction in Cases of Sub-Cuff Atrophy."
Michael Odom, PhD was chosen to have his abstract highlighted at the Early Career Investigators Showcase at the annual AUA meeting in New Orleans for "Detrusor contractility in response to PGF2a is increased in diabetic mice with underactive bladder." This abstract was selected for oral presentation at the 6th annual Duke Surgery Research Day. He was also invited to speak at the K12 Scholar Seminar Series Virtual Meeting on March 19th on "NLRP3-Dependent Mechanisms Contributing to Diabetic Bladder Dysfunction."
Leonid Aksenov MD was awarded best abstract in the Pediatric Urology Poster Session at the Southeastern Section American Urological Association Meeting in San Juan PR on March 16-19, 2022 for his project, "Machine Learning for Urodynamic Detection of Detrusor Overactivity" He also won the best Clinical Research - Trainee Presentation at the Duke Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium on April 28-29 for "Financial toxicity of spina bifida: Development of a conceptual framework and patient-reported outcome measure."
Ian Berger MD MSHP won the best Clinical Science Platform Presentation at the Duke Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium on April 28-29 for "Rural for-profit hospitals are associated with higher reported prices for ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy among commercially insured patients."
Zachary Dionise MD was awarded best abstract in the Health Services and Socioeconomics Poster Session at the Southeastern Section American Urological Association Meeting in San Juan PR on March 16-19, 2022 for his project, "Drivers of Operative Supply Cost in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy,"
Gabrielle McNary MD was awarded best abstract in the Reconstructive Surgery, Voiding Dysfunction, and Female Pelvic Medicine Poster Session at the Southeastern Section American Urological Association Meeting in San Juan PR on March 16-19, 2022 for her project "Difference in Urothelial Gene Expression among Women with Urge Urinary Incontinence."
Hayley Premo was awarded best abstract in the Health Services Research Podium Session at the Southeastern Section American Urological Association Meeting in San Juan PR on March 16-19, 2022 for her project "A Scoping Review of Transgender Health Information on Social Media." She was mentored on this project by Drew Peterson MD MPH.
Anissa Cervantes has spent the last year in Duke University Urinary Dysfunction lab with Drs. Purves and Hughes and will spend an additional year to further her investigations. She won best Translational Science Abstract at the Duke Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium on April 28-29 for "Specialized proresolving mediators reverse effects of chronic inflammation in diabetic bladder dysfunction."
May 20, 2022 DUKE FRIDAY VISITING PROFESSOR – DAVID F. PAULSON LECTURE - KIRSTEN GREENE MD – Chair, Dept. of Urology, University of Virginia
"Retzuis Sparing Prostatectomy: what's the point and what can you learn?"
Please note: We are changing our Duke Tuesday Visiting Professor Lectureships to Duke Fridays taking place once a year in May or June, beginning in 2022. We would like to invite urologists from the region to attend in person morning lectures by Dr. Greene, but university regulations prevent that this year.
On Saturday May 14th at 6:00 pm we will host our annual DYSURIA Reception at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside in the Fulton Room - 3rd Floor. If you have question regarding the event or issues with the invite please contact Tiffany Standridge at or