Project PLACE April 2022
Partnerships for Learning, Achievement, and Classroom Engagement
As we wrap up our 5th year of Project PLACE, our team is energized by the work that we are seeing teachers do to create more equitable classrooms that build on and sustain the diverse assets that students bring to school. It has been a challenging year for educators, yet Project PLACE teachers have committed to continued professional development, supporting one another, and implementing new practices that enhance learning for English Learners and for all students. As you scroll through this newsletter, you will see many examples of the ways in which teachers have implemented culturally responsive practices this year. These examples exemplify teachers’ efforts to honor students’ identities, hear each student’s voice, and engage all students in meaningful work. As you near the end of your school year, we thank you for your support of Project PLACE and we wish you a happy and productive summer ahead!
--Dr. Susan Cantrell, Project Director
Project ExCEL
We are excited to announce that our work will continue! The Univ. of Kentucky has received an additional 5-yr. grant from the U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of English Language Learners, that will build on the work of Project PLACE. Project ExCEL will provide professional learning for K-8 teachers focused on evidence-based strategies for supporting English Learners, family literacy, and creating equitable classrooms.
Facebook Challenge for ALL Project PLACE Teachers!
ALL years of Project PLACE teachers are invited to participate in a Facebook Challenge from now until the end of May. Each time you post or comment on the Project PLACE Facebook page, your name will go in a hat to win $200.00 in books!
Year in Review
The Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP) frames the Project PLACE professional learning experiences. The CRIOP is grounded in research on culturally responsive instruction and is designed to be a tool for guiding practitioners in their development as culturally responsive educators. Classroom Relationships, Family Collaboration, Assessment, Instruction, Discourse, and Critical Consciousness are central elements of the CRIOP framework, and these elements were the focus of the professional learning.
Featured below are culturally responsive practices from teachers during the 2021-2022 school year!
Staci Rish, Baker Middle School, Clark Co.
Rosa Cubero, Maxwell Elementary, Fayette Co.
Cara Harris, Renee Clark, Molly Anderson, Tamara Forysth, Breckinridge Elementary, Fayette Co.
Tracy Scaccia, James Lane Allen Elementary, Fayette Co.
Katelyn Barrett, Baker Middle School, Clark Co.
Emily Ballenger, Kristin Harrison, Tracy Scaccia, James Lane Allen Elementary, Fayette Co.
Lauren Bryant, Deep Springs Elementary, Fayette Co.
Lisa Hanson, Northern Elementary, Scott Co.
Renee Clark, Breckinridge Elementary, Fayette Co.
Kristin Harrison, James Lane Allen Elementary, Fayette Co.
Donovan Kerns, Royal Springs Middle School, Scott Co.
Matt Wagner, Lemons Mill Elementary, Scott Co.