
Happy Earth Day

This Earth Day our hope is that we all spend time working to improve the planet and address the negative impacts of climate change across the entire globe. Above is a photo of Rainbow Mountain near Cusco, Peru. Though it is a beautiful vista, it is also a reminder of how over the past 50 years, glacial ice has continued to recede across the Andes. The receding glaciers have negative impacts across the country as it limits water availability and leads some people to migrate to other areas for improved livelihoods. Not protecting our climate impacts us all.

Work continues with literacy Projects in Peru

At Umbrella Initiatives, our work continues. This year we are focused on three significant projects:

  1. Continuing efforts to enhance literacy. This Spring semester, we will be sending out over 700 books and materials for the Super Readers Project.

  2. Project Life - We are supporting the network of women living with HIV to develop training workshops and deliver essential food bags to that who are struggling through a triple threat of HIV, COVID, and poverty.

  3. We are financing the printing of the Paloma books into Quechua, the ancestral language of Peru. Through our work with Puriyninchik Association, we are ensuring that in our projects, we are inclusive of the country's linguistic diversity and continue to enhance opportunities and literacy for all.

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