Thank you for attending "Tackling the Root Causes of Women's Financial Exclusion" hosted by CGAP and FinEquity as part of the World Bank's Accelerate Equality initiative. 

We appreciate your attendance and participation and are happy to share a recording of the discussion and a list of resources referenced throughout. Please feel free to share widely with your networks! 

  1. Addressing Gender Norms to Increase Financial Inclusion: Designing for Impact (CGAP) 
  2. Can Funders Afford to Ignore Gender Norms in Financial Inclusion? (CGAP Blog) 
  3. A Collaborative Effort to Diagnose the Effect of Social Norms on Women's Financial Inclusion (FinEquity Blog) 
  4. Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition (JPGTA) 
  5. Compendium of good practice on Gender transformative approaches (JPGTA) 
  6. Women’s Financial Inclusion Toolkit (GIZ)
  7. Her and Now Short Films trailers (GIZ)
  8. Gendered social norms – Hiding in plain sight: Exploring how social norms impact financial health outcomes for women (UNCDF Blog – Part 1)
  9. Gendered social norms – Hiding in plain sight: Exploring how social norms impact financial health outcomes for women (UNCDF Blog - Part-2) 
  10. Uncovering the Hidden Cost of Gender Biases in Lending to Women (IDB Invest)
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