
Kingsley Elementary PTA 

PTA Meeting: TONIGHT @ 7PM

Please join us for an in-person PTA meeting tonight at Kingsley, 7-8pm, in the library.

Come meet new people, see the faces that match the names you've heard all year and learn more about the PTA. We'll be discussing ideas for next year and how to get involved. You do not need to be a current member or volunteer to come.  Everyone is welcome! 

We look forward to seeing you there! You can still join the meeting via zoom.  

When: TONIGHT Monday, April  25th from 7 PM - 8 PM

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 851 5803 3344
Passcode: 111111
Dial by your location: (312) 626 6799


If you have questions, ideas or would like to get involved at Kingsley, contact Co-Presidents Michelle Dahl (she/her) at and Erin Wade (she/her) at

Our mailing address is:
Kingsley Elementary PTA
2300 Green Bay Road, Evanston, IL 60201

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