
A Dose of Spring Reads

Spring is coming to vancouver…I think. Golf season has started and I accomplished one goal by getting some scores into a handicap system! Woot woot. Spring has also meant the start to T-ball season - SVLL is a great association - very happy to be a part of it.

Goal setting: we are 4 months into the year and now is a great time to reflect on some of the goals you set out for yourself in 2022. A useful strategy that is working well for myself is breaking down each of my larger goals into meaningful daily behaviours. I track these on a spreadsheet. I may not always hit a particular target (say 1500 squash points) but perhaps I did a good job of practicing. If you are interested in setting up a tracker - reach out.

Below are three pieces of physio work that have helped my practice in the past and one new piece that has helped solidify my approach - this paper should be reading 101 in physio school:)

1) If you are interested: much of my advice around shoulders has been shaped by Physio Adam Meakins (check out a hole in the blanket) and researcher Jeremy Lewis (new book and good video). This information is often geared towards physios but if you ever want to read about shoulders these are trusted sources

2) “Relief by belief” what a perfect phrase to sum up the effect of placebos. I love this short piece describing sensation enhanced placebo.

3) From fear to safety: a roadmap to recovery from musculoskeletal pain. A transformative paper.

Quantified self: I have been sceptical of the broad assertions made by most of the wearable devices - apple, aura ring, Fitbit - but a new feature analysis in the Economist has turned me into a more of a believer. The data collected is getting better and is now considered good enough quality to help with diagnosis, prevention, and research. The bigger challenge, which is often the case with data, is whether it can change health behaviours. In my own work I am hopeful that as more people use wearables and track health metrics the combination of in-person support and data can become a strong influence for behaviour change. yet with all the optimism this finishing line sums up the challenge of healthcare - The new sensors and wearables technology are all very exciting, says Yuri Maricich of Pear Therapeutics, but “how can we reduce that to something that [works for] a single mom in the state of Kentucky who is in a very difficult life situation, or a trucker who is always on the road and trying to make ends meet?”

Book List

Endurance: I was reminded of this book after discussing Erebus. I’ve only just started it but its exciting.

The path to power Lynden B Johnson: After reading Martin Luther King’s book I was interested in learning more about this period in American history.

Autobiography of Martin Luther King. This book is a collection of his personal writings. Incredibly captivating. It was soothing to read someone of his stature during turbulent times.

Thanks for reading and I hope May brings a reset to your 2022 goals. Make the most of the spring and get ready for a great summer.

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