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Volume 35 • Issue 1 • April 27, 2022

2022 Spring Mini-Clinic Recap

On April 21, the Spring Mini-Clinic was held in person for the first time at the Wisconsin Cranberry Research Station. To provide an opportunity for people to interact with their local community while also keeping travel times short, we offered live broadcasts at 3 locations (Cranmoor, Manitowish Waters, and Spooner) in addition to the in-person meeting at the research station. You can find a recap of the clinic here.

Newly-registered Insecticide: Fanfare

Fanfare is a not a new insecticide, having been first registered with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1985, but it is new to the cranberry industry. Fanfare is the second pyrethroid that can be applied to cranberry, with Danitol being the first. Fanfare is registered for use in Wisconsin on several crops including bushberries, caneberries, grapes, pears, strawberries, yet cranberry is NOT on the label. Click here to read more.

Three Years’ Growth at WCRS Breeding Plots 

Juan Zalapa and his team are proud of the diversity they’ve been able to plant at the Wisconsin Cranberry Research Station. In three years of planting, they have planted a total of 3750 individual plants. These represent 2,933 experimental clones and 697 Stevens clones as controls. Read more here.

Don't Miss Out on These Updates and Resources

Early Spring Recommendation for Cold Protection and Fertilization Plans

CranCam Update 

Early Season Update: Late Spring and Hail

Orthene (acephate), Pollinator Activity, and Yield

Grower Update: Vilas 51

Grower Update: Flying Dollar Cranberry

Research Station Update

Check out our Twitter and YouTube channel to see the latest news and videos.
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Editors: Josie Russo, Amaya Atucha, and Allison Jonjak

References to products in this publication are for your convenience and are not an endorsement of one product over similar products. You are responsible for using pesticides according to the manufacturer's current label directions. Follow directions exactly to protect the environment and people from pesticide exposure. Failure to do so violates the law.

Amaya Atucha
Extension Fruit Crop Specialist

Jed Colquhoun
Extension Fruit Crops Weed Scientist

Christelle Guédot
Extension Fruit Crops Entomologist

Allison Jonjak
Cranberry Outreach Specialist

Josie Russo
Communications Specialist

Wisconsin Fruit Team Contact

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