
Take-Action Checklist: May 17, 2022


Although there is no concept of the divine in gender identity theory, there are elements that could be considered religious. There are symbols, chants, flags, parades, and ‘holy’ days. There is a belief in what could be termed transubstantiation where the substance of the body is believed to change from one sex to another. A belief in gender identity involves a level of faith as there is nothing tangible to prove its existence which, as something divorced from the physical body, is similar to the idea of a soul.

The idea of a heretic or infidel is also relevant. People and organisations who don’t subscribe to gender identity theory, or who publicly criticise or even question it, have been denounced or ostracised, and products and publications boycotted.
Detransitioners, who no longer subscribe to the theory, are akin to apostates."

A New Religion, by Collette Colfer


UPDATE from Charlie Jacobs on the San Diego legislation:

The San Diego board of supervisors ignored the dozens of people who called in and appeared to oppose the adoption of CEDAW in San Diego that was designed to provide safeguards to woman from discrimination. Instead that ordinance which was passed 3-2 split by party lines, redefined woman as including anyone who believes that they are a woman, even oddly, "transmen". The three Democratic supervisors were not persuaded by the opposition that woman are not protected by the ordinance. Those supporting the ordinance made nonsensical arguments that the ordinance will protect against sex trafficking.

Vice Chair Nora Vargas, one of the Democrats voting for the Ordinance served as the first Latina Executive for Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest.

Terra Lawson-Remer, another yes vote is a new mother. We thought that she might be able to understand a woman's perspective, but she appears to not have read the ordinance, and was illogically persuaded that since the ordinance did not affect schools, that the ordinance was not changing any existing laws. She also left the hearing when the opposition spoke, but returned later to hear the phoned oppositions.

The final Democrat is bully and he had a woman opposing the Ordinance arrested for going over on her time.

For more on the story, see the link:

Item 1: Report Child Puberty Blocker Use to GirardSharp

Girard Sharp attorneys are investigating reported adverse effects of puberty blocking medication on transgender minors who have taken the drugs.

Has your child taken puberty blockers? Speak to a lawyer.

Contact Here:

Item 2: Share this Checklist

Please grab the URL for this checklist and share it far and wide, with friends and with organizations that are fighting these battles. Post this URL on your social media and email it out. The more people we have pushing back on this ideology, the more children will be protected from it.

Item 3: Ask a Question

Try posting this question on one (or more) of your social media accounts:

How many children do gender clinics turn away as not appropriate candidates to undergo medicalization? Are any children ever told, “No, we don’t think you’re actually transgender?”

Item 4: Share an Article

Simply providing some counter-narrative to the transgender industry’s propaganda will help turn public opinion back to facts & reality. Share this article, Life in the Public Schools: No Neutral Ground, or another gender-critical article.

Thank you for standing with us to fight for children! If there’s anything Advocates Protecting Children can do to help you or support your work, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Please share this Take-Action Checklist with other gender-critical people who are looking for ways to keep children safe.

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