#WalkWednesday: A weekly prompt to take a few minutes to wander, be present & ponder.

44: How can you play today?

As you wander, try being playful. Don't step on the cracks, find shapes in the clouds, swing on a swing, make a daisy chain. Ponder how play changes how you feel.

Two swans doing headstands in the Nene river. (Ok, I know they're feeding, but swan bottoms do look playful).
How to #WalkWednesday:

WANDER. Walk wherever you are - indoors or outdoors.
BE PRESENT. Take 3 deep breaths. Really notice the world around you and check in with how you feel.
PONDER. Gently reflect on the #WalkWednesday question.

Optional: Share your walk ponders and photos with me on LinkedIn or Instagram.
Dear <<First Name>>

We often take life and ourselves too seriously.

That's not great for our wellbeing or resilience. Playing isn't just for kids. It helps us laugh, recharge, be creative and learn. 

How will you play today?

Let me know.

You can also:
  • Join me and the Butter community for a Recharging Walk (an online walk shop) on Wednesday 25th May. (Butter is like Zoom but more fun!)

Anise | Walk Coach Learn

Coaching walks to recharge you
Walk Coach Learn
P.S. All photos in my newsletter are taken by me...unless they are of me.
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