May 2022 5.22 Newsletter  ||  From The Desk Of the Eastern Region Polaris

May 2022 Edition

In This Issue:

29th Eastern Region Conference

ILC Announcement 
Capital Hill Event Support
When We All Vote
Next Step
The Brother's Corner

29TH Eastern Region Conference

How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. The weekend of April 28th through May 1st was one for the record books. Given the much anticipated in-person conference since 2019, the Eastern Region delivered an event that is second to none.
There is so much that can be highlighted during that weekend but to get the full experience and feelings, you had to be there in person. By now, you must have heard stories, seen videos, and photos, and hopefully understand that the Eastern Region led by Regional Polaris, Brother Stephen Okoba is set to push the standards of Iota to the next level.
From the opening socials, the brotherhood activities, the first-ever Eastern Region National Pan-Hellenic Council Public meeting (that was very well attended), individual workshops, vendors & partners presentations, both Friday and Saturday General Sessions, re-branded Eastern Region Honors, all activities and events were delivered with the Brotherhood in mind which adds to the Conference theme “Strengthening the lines of Brotherhood
Click here to download the Conference Program Book
Congratulations to the brothers of the Gamma Omicron Omega chapter, the Beta Alpha Omega, Xi chapter, Brother/Dr. Harold Cooper, State Director Brother Rodrick Johnson for taking home Honors during the conference, and to the North Carolina stroll team and Brother Abdul Jah for winning some of the conference social competitions.
Being in the presence of the brothers during that weekend tells a story of why the entire brotherhood needs to fully embrace the mindset of #OneIota and join forces together because, at the end of the day, We as Iotas are what will ultimately drive this organization forward.


ILC Conference 


On August 4th – 6th, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated will be hosting the 2022 Iota Leadership Conference. The theme of the conference is “Honoring the Past, Treasuring the Present and Shaping the Future”. The excitement is in the air as we re-brand what we all know as “ILC”. The partnership with the DMV Iotas for their annual DMV Cookout will add a major shift in how the current administration is pushing the mindset of “OneIota” in how we operate as an organization.
For more information on the 2022 Iota Leadership Conference, CLICK HERE


Fraternity Days on Capitol Hill

Please mark your calendars! Calling ALL IOTA Brothers to the floor. Members of the Eastern Region Leadership will join members of the Grand Executive Board & Board of Directors on June 13-14 in the Nation Capital for the 2022 NPHC Fraternity Days on Capitol Hill. This will be a national spotlight event so representation from us is critical.
There will be more information in the weeks to come on this. For any inquiries, send them to
We will need Brothers in the Eastern and Atlantic Coast Regions to participate in this event and members of the Grand Executive Board and Board of Directors. More information is to come. Please contact Brother Walter Fields at if you would like to participate or have any questions.  


When We All Vote

This year Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. is leading the charge with Michelle Obama’s When We All Vote to increase voter participation in the. When We All Vote is a non-profit, non-partisan organization on a mission to change the culture around voting and ensure that our communities are ready and registered to vote in 2022. We are calling on all on-campus members and alumni and our surrounding community to learn how to register voters with Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. this year and get excited about our 2022 partnership with When We All Vote.
This umbrella program is perfect for all chapters to get behind as we focus our energy on Voter Registration and education. On May 19, 2022, at 8:00 pm EST, there will be a training to receive resources, structure, and guidance on this initiative.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the upcoming training session. This is an opportunity for us to lead this charge.
***** In addition to the credit for community service hours, the chapter with the highest percentage of
active members registered and attending the training will receive a special gift.

Questions may be directed to


What to look out for in the upcoming months
As the Eastern Region looks to continue to raise the bar and standards of the organization, the regional leadership is excited to follow up with the conference with some activities that are currently in the works. Below are just some activities that are in the final stages of planning and more information will be sent out as they are finalized:
  • Polaris Round Table: A virtual session with the Eastern Region Polaris to discuss any topics with you directly in an open session. This is currently being planned for August 2022
  • Training & Development: There are a series of training sessions that are currently being planned. One specifically will target Recruitment for our undergraduate chapters. This is continuous enforcement as shared during the past regional conference to help rebuild our undergraduate presence.
  • National Bylaw Proposal & amendments workshops in preparation for 2023 International Conclave. This is planned to kick off in September 2022.
  • Reintroducing the Undergraduate Brown Table Talk is geared to be a haven for our undergraduate brothers to help with improvement and collaboration across the region.
There are many more activities in the upcoming weeks and months that will keep everyone engaged and working towards the vision set forth by the regional leadership.

Brothers' Corner

What makes Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated the organization we see today?
What will make Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated the organization we want to see need it to be tomorrow?
Short answer, The Brothers!!!!
Your story is Iota’s story. Let us take the time to appreciate each other and acknowledge those among us that are being trailblazers, pushing boundaries, celebrating life, and achieving goals.
  • Introducing the New National IG Stroll Page (@strollowt). Follow the page on Instagram
If you have any celebratory milestones, achievements, and/or wins, please send them directly to



Did you know?

Upcoming Events
Please be sure to check the Eastern Iotas website to stay informed regarding events around the Region!

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