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In just a little over a month, CCSI's seven seniors will graduate and then step into the next phase of their lives, whether it be college or a gap year. I have had the incredible privilege of teaching these students for three out of the past five years and have gotten to see them grow and change so much. During my intern year, these students were 8th graders and I remember vividly their middle school struggles. Our classroom discussions used to be so simple, as they struggled to understand and to express their opinions. This past week, those same students effortlessly shared their own questions in a student-led discussion and delved deep into the book of Ecclesiastes and how it applies to the lives of Christians today.

More than just seeing them gain knowledge, I have been so blessed to see them all grow in 
their faith and wrestle with the hard questions of what the Christian walk looks like, especially in a culture as under-reached as Japan. They still have so much to learn and experience, but I have a peace as they get ready to depart from CCSI that they know what they believe and why they believe it. And I can entrust them to God's loving care and look forward with joy and anticipation to what He will do in their lives and futures.

The past few weeks, as graduation has drawn closer and I have begun processing their imminent departure, have been bittersweet. I am so proud of each of them and so excited to see what amazing things the Lord has in store for them. But at the same time, I have so enjoyed the time I have had with them and am so sad to know that it must end.

I cannot even fully comprehend the amazing privilege it has been to enter into their lives and walk alongside them. I am so grateful that my work is not limited to conveying information in a classroom. While that is important and worthy work, the ministry I find most life-giving is to be able to support and care for my students in every aspect of their lives. I find such joy in being a listening ear, a counseling big sister, and a friend. I am so grateful to be able to work at a place that is small enough to allow me to know all of my students well, where each and every class can be focused on the most important topic of knowing our amazing God, and where I can prioritize relationship and mentoring with my students.

As I prepare to say goodbye to this class, I am again just humbly grateful for the work the Lord has given me. I could never have imagined a place like CCSI, nor could I have imagined being as happy and fulfilled in my work as I am. But the Lord has given me this work and this ministry and it brings me such joy. So I will say goodbye to these seniors and continue investing in all my younger students. And I will continue to be so grateful for each and every one of you whose prayers and support make it possible for me to serve in this way.

I got to go watch one of my students perform with her K-pop dance team. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have to build relationships with my students
These four beautiful ladies got to do a kimono day before they graduate from/leave CCSI later this summer
I am so grateful for my team here and the privilege of doing ministry together
Karen and I got to enjoy a day of hiking and time in God's glorious creation during CCSI's Golden Week break 
Prayer Requests
  • Please continue praying as we prepare and plan for the next school year starting in September. We are in need of more teachers, in particular, some interested in teaching math or science
  • I will be taking another Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) this summer on July 3rd. Please be praying for my test preparation and continued language studies 
  • Please be praying for CCSI's seven seniors as they finish up their senior year and prepare to graduate on June 25
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