Warrior Fitness & Martial Arts

Bi-Monthly Newsletter

May News & Notes

Memorial Day

More than just for hot dogs and beer, this is a holiday to remember American's who have died in service to our country. Occurring the last Monday of the month of May (May 30).

If you have no plans, or heck, change them up to accommodate an early morning remembrance with some sweatin’ and sufferin’ on Memorial Day with your crew doing “Murph”.

This year we are partnering with our good friends at Project Ruck who is hosting a 5-mile and 10-mile ruck followed by Murph back at Franklin Defense HQ. You can partipate in as much or as little as you would like. The important part is that you participate. 
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In case you’re unfamiliar, “Murph” is a classic CrossFit workout known as a Hero WOD. Hero WOD’s are made by CrossFit to honor the men and women that have fallen in the line of duty. This one is specifically to honor Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005.

1 mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 mile Run
*With a 20 lb Vest or Body Armor

This workout itself was Michael’s favorite workout to do, which at the time referred to it as “Body Armor”, hence the 20 lb vest or body armor as part of the workout prescription. So, every year, CrossFitters synonymously around the world pay special tribute to Lieutenant Murphy by joining together and suffering through this workout.

Really, not just Michael Murphy but all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

Taken from this post, dig in more if you want to know all the details round why we do it and what's behind it.

“When two tigers fight,
one is bound to be hurt.
The other will be dead.”

— Sokon Bushi Matsumura 
Good Stuff Worth Reading...

Good routines aren’t worth much if you don’t let go of your negative habits first. 

Are you guilty of any of these?
  • You make a mountain out of a molehill.
  • You are obsessed with other peoples’ opinions.
  • You are living for the weekend.
  • You are fearing change.
  • You are trying to please everyone.
  • You are living paycheck to paycheck.
  • You are living in the past.
  • You are talking yourself down.
Full Article →

The following five points are important in fueling the Power of Intention in your life:

1. Understand what it is you wish to accomplish
2. Put a solid plan of action in place
3. Begin a personal diary
4. Set your goals; short, medium and long term
5. Be grateful for every blessing in your life
From the Insta...
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