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Dear <<First Name>>,

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme for this year is Loneliness. Loneliness is affecting more and more of us in the UK, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Our connection to other people is fundamental to protecting our health and wellbeing, so I definitely think this is a worthy theme to highlight.  In this newsletter we'll take a look at some ways we can prioritise our own wellbeing as summer begins...
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As we head towards summer, and the sunshine and lighter days lift our moods, now is a great time to take action and invest in ourselves. 
Change starts inside of each of us.  We just need to reach for it.

The importance of selfcare...

As we mark Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s timely to highlight the importance of looking after ourselves, not just others.  Here are a few tips to ensure you are focusing on your mental wellbeing in a positive way: 
🔸 Go for a walk and be with nature, focusing on the environment around you  

🔸 Look after your physical health by eating well, drinking enough water and sleeping comfortably

🔸 Help and support others by connecting with other people to make both you, and them, feel better

🔸 Keep good sleep practices by avoiding screens before bed, cutting back on caffeine and creating a restful environment 

🔸 Relax and do things you enjoy to boost your mood and give yourself some relief from anxious thoughts  
Remember to make yourself a priority – not just this week, but always! 

If you need further guidance, advice or support, feel free to contact me below.
Contact Me
Sources of inspiration are all around us - and life is about finding what inspires you. Inspiration fuels many feelings and emotions in life, such as creativity, imagination, and inventiveness. It is important to feel inspired, as inspiration is a motivator. If we do not feel inspired, we don't feel motivated to act. To think. To move forward...
Quieting your mind is a key aspect of getting a good night’s sleep, so make sure you never bring your phone to bed! In fact, it is best to stop using screens entirely for at least an hour before you intend to go to sleep. Why not try reading a book instead?
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s amazing ability to rapidly change just by being used differently. By using new ways of thinking, you can break out of destructive negative speaking, and learn to speak kindly to yourself and change your life. No more letting your mind ruin your life... instead, let it support and nurture your life!
Wishing you a wonderful summer, to warm your soul and lift your heart.

Warm regards,

Get in touch to begin your journey towards wellbeing.
Call me on 07949785334 or email me at

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