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El proper dimarts, 17 de maig a les 10:00 i el dijous, 19 de maig a les 12:00  hi ha seminari del GRBIO per fer assajos del CEB. Podràs seguir els seminaris a través del següent link:
La diversitat de gènere enriqueix la ciència


Clara Prats (professora de la UPC) parla sobre com les matemàtiques poden contribuir a buscar respostes a problemes relacionats amb la salut i la incorporació de la dona a l'àmbit de la ciència.

Nou paper del Martí

El Martí Casals ha publicat un nou paper amb el títol "Violinboxplot and enhanced radar plot as components of effective graphical dashboards: An educational example of sports analytics". Moltes felicitats!

Article: aquí

Flash Reviews

  Recordeu que podeu difondre els vostres nous articles mitjançant els Flash Reviews del GRBIO Divulga omplint aquest formulari.

Si necessiteu ajuda amb el
formulari, podeu contactar amb el David i la Yovi.

Ofertes de feina

Estadístic. Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO), Hospitalet de Llobregat. Topic: Programa de Detecció Precoç de Càncer Colorectal. Contract type: 6 mesos. Salary: 28.812,49€/any. Deadline: 31/05/2022. More info: here

Pots trobar més ofertes de feina de Newsletters aquí

ASA Traveling Course

The Council of Chapters Traveling Courses provide low-cost courses for ASA Chapters. One of those courses is An Introduction to Second-generation p-values and their Use in Statistical Practice taught by Megan H. Murray and Jeffrey D. Blume. Second-generation p-values were recently proposed to address the well-known imperfections of classical p-values. The course will be presented virtually and in-person depending on the date, and the price of the course goes from $25 for students to $100 for WSS non-members.
Més info

Unfair Comparisons?

The title of the blog has a double allusion:
1) Randomised clinical trials (RCTs), of course, are designed to provide a means of comparing treatments fairly, although, as is often overlooked, such comparisons are not perfect. It is rather, that properly conducted and analysed, RCTs provide a means of assessing how imperfect they are and that such assessment is an essential part of weighing evidence.
2) Comparing two schools of assessing inference when faced with RCTs: statistical inference and causal inference.

RStudio’s Visual Markdown Editor

Visual editing mode provides a better experience when writing reports and analyses. You can see changes in real-time and preview what your document looks like without re-knitting. 
In addition, the visual markdown editor provides extensive support for citations, scientific and technical writing features, outline navigation, and more.

In this blog post, we’d like to show how to use the visual markdown editor and highlight some features that you should know.
More info

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