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Dear <<First Name>>,

Tomorrow, if you are reading this on Weds., is our forum on democracy at 6:00pm and our KASHA board meeting 5:00pm. If you are interested in organizing and helping KASHA grow, please come to our Board Meeting.
Details are on our Calendar HERE

Please RSVP for the forum HERE.

Watch this very interesting videos, CNN's Fareed Zakaria discusses the role secularization is playing in the polarization of the United States as the fight over abortion intensifies..
Click HERE to listen to Fareed Zakaria

Is having a womb a curse or a blessing?
If you live in the Republic of Gilead the former USA, it is definitely a curse if you don't want to live within the restricted policies of the religion. But what if you do enjoy the restrictions, as some people do, then is a womb a blessing?

Can we choose to be a mother? Does motherhood mean having a child? Is it required to have a womb to be empathetic and love children? Is it okay to dislike children when you have a womb?

It seems that as our society becomes more secular, then womb holders have more choices and non-womb holders also can have more choices. However, during times of high religiosity, restrictions are implented upon those who hold wombs.

The people who cried for freedom during the pandemic seem to be similar to the people who want to restrict the womb's freedoms. 

Why is it so complicated????

Read below for our upcoming Forum on discussing democracy, Jan Goss on his life within Christianity and Tania's thoughts on motherhood.

Thinking with you,
KASHA - Kelowna AtheistsSkeptics & Humanists Association
Inquire with us at
You can now become a member via our secure website payment system HERE
 KASHA follows the COVID guidelines laid out by the BC health authorities and therefore will not require vaccination to attend events and activities after 7 April 2022. However, given that many KASHA members are at a higher risk than the general population, it is preferred that attendees be fully vaccinated against COVID 19.
Forum: Democracy? The Emperor Has No Clothes.
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
May 12, 2022 - Creekside Pub
Our speaker, David Fowler, grew up with typical baby-boomer views: GI Joe and the USA were heroes fighting Stalin, Mao, and the dirty commies for the soul of the world. His subsequent travels through Cuba, Vietnam, China, and Chile led him to re-examine his beliefs and question the supremacy of American-style democracy. Which type of government, he asked himself, best serves the needs of the governed?

Join us as David tries to answer this question as he takes us through an interactive comparison of the western and Chinese forms of governance. This discussion is not likely to leave you with a definitive answer but perhaps it will help you to ask better questions of those who seek to lead our city, province, and country.

The evening will commence at 6 pm with time for a meal and social interaction with the talk beginning around 7 pm. The Creekside Pub is providing the meeting room for free. We ask that you purchase food or beverage while attending our forum.

We are limited to 30 attendees so please indicate if you plan on attending.

RSVP here.

If you are someone who likes to read ahead:
Here is what can be considered the official Chinese view on democracy:
Here is the more standard (and even-handed) western view:

Is China Socialist or State Capitalist? Video

Finally, if you are old school and prefer to read (albeit online) here is a good article from the Atlantic:

KASHA follows the COVID guidelines laid out by the BC health authorities and therefore will not require vaccination to attend events and activities after 7 April 2022. However, given that many KASHA members are at a higher risk than the general population, it is preferred that attendees be fully vaccinated against COVID 19.

Creekside Pub
3929 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, BC, BC V1W 1V3
Check out the event here. There are more videos to watch on the page.

Mom Material

Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, certain anniversaries, and other times of the year are often a mixed bag of emotions for us. Mother’s Day might be that, too. To be sure, not every family is remotely close to those on TV shows like Family Matters or Full House!

Every person reading this has a mother, but that label, “Mother,” will mean different things to every person.

When I think of the people in my little world, their relationships with their mothers range from super-close and cozy to distant, awkward, superficial. Some have good relationships with their mothers now, more


Jan Goss - Our newest board member

Name: Jan Goss

Birthplace: Willowdale (Toronto), Ontario (but was raised in Kelowna)

What type of work have you done?

My first job was picking fruit in Kelowna. I then went to College Heights (near Lacombe, near Red Deer), Alberta. I took 2 programs there (religion and electronics). During that time, I worked at grounds, janitorial, and furniture factory.

After I graduated with my electronics diploma, I worked as a technician for Sounds Around. After a little over 1 year, I lost my job when the service department was sold to another company. At that time the economy was poor, and the job market for technologists was flooded. I couldn’t find any technician job above minimum wage.

I got a job at the University of Calgary as a caretaker (janitor). At that time, I abandoned electronics. (Some people say I should have taken a minimum wage job for a few years to gain experience. I am happy with my decision, though.) I eventually became a caretaking lead hand, which is part janitorial duties and part supervision. One of the benefits of working at the U of C was that I got free tuition. So, I got the degree: Bachelor of Arts – honours in philosophy. (I may be one of the few people who got a degree merely for the enjoyment of taking courses and getting a degree.)

When I retired at the U of C I moved to Kelowna.

How would you identify yourself in terms of religion/spirituality? read more

We Need a Jubilee

It has been almost 2 years since we have had a forum! The lock downs, loss of social gatherings, loss of income, deaths from the virus and drug related deaths, and rising social inequality have exposed the new realities of our future. I watched the Freedom Convoy and the most recent Rolling Thunder 'parade', and I have had several thoughts. 

First: Really, isn't it a bit too late to protest? 

Second: As I observed the people who mostly attended and protested, I couldn't help but notice the absolute frustration that came from the the people protesting. I think many of the people protesting not only lost their incomes, but have suffered for many years of low wages, unsurmountable debt and a rising inability to be able to get ahead. Plus, the defunding of good education in public schools has led to less science education and critical thinking.

They are the same people that voted for Trump, but Canadian. People who have lost their good working wages. People who used to manufacture things, but due to globalization, lost jobs to low wage workers abroad. Being a trucker used to be a good paying job, now the long hours of sitting does not pay nearly the same.

People who are drowning in unprecendented debt due to low wages are susceptible to the forces of manipulation by god and billioniares. How does Amazon survive? ....low wages in their work force and low wage shipping routes. Who owns Amazon stock, most likely not the people who were protesting. The people who own Amazon stock got vaccinated and largely wear masks.

Inequality is rising, we have a new gilded age where the wealthy and higher middle class unfairly benefit from the working class.

What does this inquality mean for the future of our Canadian democracy. Jesus proclaimed that he was King of the Jews and called for the new Jubilee. 

Did you know that the real Jubilee is actually about debt forgiveness? It is a method to re-structure power where the improvished debt ridden working class can free themselves from bonded labour (low wages), be able to own their homes again, and a grow their crops again (get good jobs or pay for schooling).

It is facinating and sad that the ancient practice of Jubilee became a promise of living with Jesus in heaven during Christianity instead of being freed on earth from the prison of debt.

It is the wealthy class that benefits from the Christian twisting of the Jubilee, hence the manipulation of the Trucker Convoy's love of god.

Our next forum is about democracy, but all political systems are rooted in economic systems. 
To learn about the Jubilee watch this short video: Your Debt is Someone Else's Asset

It is now day xxxx of the Russia-Ukraine war. If you'd like more information on how you can financially support Ukrainians at this time, check out the Red Cross website. You can donate online to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal, or you can call 1-800-418-1111. And for more information on how to donate by mail, click HERE. 
Several months ago, Dan Ryder, a KASHA member and one of the founding members of the group, has been recently diagnosed with a stage IV cancer, which has spread to his bones. Dan gave a presentation at one of our last forums in 2019 on the philosophical issues with abortion. His partner, Zena, was on KASHA's board for two years and was the manager of the group before it was KASHA. They have helped out a lot of people over the years.

Now it is time to help them out. One of their friends has started a meal train to help support them with meals during Dan's treatments. If you are interested in helping out and getting updates, you can go here:

Webinars & Town Halls on the KASHA website

Thanks to Darrel, we now have a page of interesting webinars and town hall meetings from BC Humanists, Center for Inquiry Canada, and Amnesty International that you can watch.

If you just can't watch another Netflix show or commercial TV, tune in here to see issues that are relevant to you.  KASHA WEBINAR PAGE

You can also catch up on some of our previous newsletters HERE.

Thanks, Darrel, for all your work!
We are officially an affliate local group member with BC Humanists. We receive support to help connect with humanists and atheists in our area. We become part of a larger network of non-religious people across the province by joining with other groups.

The British Columbia Humanist Association has been providing a community and voice for humanists, atheists, agnostics, and the non-religious of Metro Vancouver and British Columbia since 1982. They  support the growth of Humanist communities across BC, provide Humanist ceremonies, and campaign for progressive and secular values.

Please consider joining the BCHA if you support our combined efforts.
KASHA needs volunteers:

Forum Speakers: We are looking for volunteers to be speakers/facilitators. If you are interested in presenting, we have a set of criteria and an approval process. We want to make sure that all the topics will be of interest to our members. So no, we won't be approving of how astrology effects your mood.

You can download the forum criteria here.  

Ideas: If you are a member and you have an idea for a speaker, are interested in starting another cafe meet-up in your area, like to write about KASHA topics, and/or want to protest something... let us know.

KASHA Board Meetings

If you are an official paid member and would like to read our minutes or attend a meeting, please let me know.
The dates of the meetings are on the events calendar. We are trying to meet once a month.
Warning: Our minutes are rather cryptic, but you will probably understand the main clinchers. Any warm new heartbeats detected at the meeting might also be given tasks. But we are not discouraging our members from attending; in fact, we would love it if you could come.
Please Go To our Events Calendar for up to date information on events.
KASHA - Kelowna AtheistsSkeptics & Humanists Association
Inquire with us at
Join our FACEBOOK page.  Join the KASHA MEET-UP group
Become a member HERE
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