
Be informed, get involved…

VIVAT members are highly encouraged to know and participate in these events.

First International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)

The first United Nations International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) will be taking place from 17-20 May 2022. This conference, which will take place once every four years, is the primary global forum at which governments and all sectors of civil society meet to assess progress toward ensuring we have policies, procedures, and programs that:

  1. Make migration a choice rather than a necessity

  2. Allow migration to happen in a safe, orderly, regular (legally documented and recognized) manner

  3. Support the objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration

The Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR) created a guide to the IMRF, including information about the event, how you can participate virtually, and suggested advocacy messaging for social media. We encourage you to use this resource and share it with your networks to add your voice to this important conversation, shaping the future of migration policy.