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Welcome to the Rising Together Newsletter!
Rising Together is an online worship space and an amazing opportunity for community building as we connect with each other virtually across the country. Over time, we seek to build bridges with each other to help understand our present realities and also connect to our past and discover the rich histories of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour in Unitarian Universalist history. We aim to create a space of support and solidarity as well as of comfort and reflection through varied worship, themed discussions, and thoughtful interactions. Thank you for being here.
Opening Song

Next Session: May 7th 4-5:30 ET

Hello May! This session we're taking a note from spring and are going to re-visit a crowd favorite, our plant ally meditation! We did this a year or so ago to welcome in the Spring/Summer and it was a great reflection and check in process. We're going to take that cue from the buds on the trees that it's time for another plant ally check in to see what's in store for us this new season and where we should be centering our focus. 

April Recap!

Last month we got together and did a little dive into our own personal theologies. We revisited the creeds we wrote in our coming of age programs and reflected on how our beliefs have developed and changed since we wrote them. 
What Else is Going On?!
If you need help finding more information on anything posted, please reach out! 

YARN: BUUYA First Wednesday of Every Month- May 12th , 2022,      8pm ET
If you identify as a Black UU Young Adult, please join us May 12th at 8:00 pm/ 5:00pm PST. Our monthly time together is an exclusive Black, Unitarian Universalist, Young Adults space spent building community and bonds, supporting one another, and having fun! Led by Donovan Hayden and Kamila Jacob. For any questions you can reach out to then you can register here!

YARN Worship, May 15th,      8 pm ET
UU young adults and friends from around the world are invited to attend our monthly worship service, held on the third Sunday of each month. Each month our Worship Team puts together a fabulous, faithful, spiritual program that reflects our faith and the fact that we are young adults. From our song choice, to the content of our reflections, this isn’t your traditional UU worship experience. So join us, and discover a different way to embody our faith. This is an intergenerational event, all people ages 18 and older are welcome to attend.

BLUU Worship First Thursday Every Month,      9pm ET
If you are a Black UU (or non-uu) please check out the BLUU worship space the first Thursday of every month. You can find more information on how to register at this link.

CHORUS 2022 Friday, May 20, 5:00 p.m. – Monday, May 23, 12:00 p.m. PST 
Join the Canadian Unitarian Council Young Adults online at Chorus 2022
*in person is full, online space still available*
Online participation means: 
-Being invited to the Young Adult Ensemble Discord server, where you can interact with other YAs who are attending both virtually and in-person; 
-Being part of an online Chalice Circle, a small group that will meet a few times over the weekend using a private channel in the Discord server (schedule to be determined); 
-Being invited to participate in Célébrons ensemble* on Saturday (10:30-11:45am PDT) and to watch the Bridging Ceremony on Sunday (2:30-3:30pm PDT). Links will be shared in Discord. 

Related to registration: Casey Stainsby, YaYA Ministry Events Staff, at 
Related to Chorus in general: Micaela Corcoran, Chorus Coordinator, at
Things to Know About!

This month I want to share this really cool initiative I learned about last month, Spirit Bear! 
If you have anything you'd like me to share next month in this section- please reach out and I'd be happy to do so!

Spirit Bear: From the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society,
A member of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, Spirit Bear represents the 165,000 First Nations children impacted by the First Nations child welfare case at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, as well as the thousands of other children who have committed to learning about the case and have taken part in peaceful and respectful actions in support of reconciliation and equity.

Spirit Bear joined the Caring Society team in 2008 and immediately committed himself to witnessing all of the Tribunal hearings. In June 2017, Spirit Bear was awarded an honourary "Bearrister" degree from Osgoode Law School. In October 2017, he was officially admitted to the “Bear” by the Indigenous Bar Association. You can find out more about Spirit Bear and how to support their work here.

Closing Song
Final Thoughts!

This is a season of new growth for everyone and everything as the world bustles and bursts around us. I hope you take time to enjoy watching the process both around you and within yourself. Remember to be mindful of what nourishes you and what holds you back-- setting boundaries and giving yourself the right environment to thrive is a sacred and important act. The first few things we choose to prune can feel like the hardest, but you are not a villain for wanting to fill your own cup up first and it is only our egos that tells us otherwise. Release what does not serve you to create room for something that does.

 As usual, if you have any questions- concerns- events- or anything else you'd like us to uplift in this newsletter, please reach out to 
Copyright © *2021* *Rising Together*, All rights reserved.

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