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Input from Family/Caregivers of Individuals with IDD Needed on
New York’s Response to COVID-19

We know that people with IDD and family members faced unique challenges during the pandemic. We want to hear about your experiences, during the earlier days of the pandemic, so that the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) and other state agencies can be better prepared should another public health emergency occur in the future.

The NYS Legislature has charged the independent Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council (DDAC) with preparing a report assessing New York’s response to COVID-19 relating to individuals with IDD.

This report will include an evaluation of policies, procedures, and programs that were implemented from March 2020 through April 2021 to determine the impact on safety for people with IDD. The report will also include feedback from stakeholder groups including self-advocates, family members/caregivers, providers, CCOs and underserved communities.

five students with face masks

As a family member/caregiver of a person with IDD, your voice is critical to making sure our report accurately represents the experiences that people with IDD and family members faced during the pandemic for the time period of March 2020 through April 2021.

The survey is about 10 minutes long. It’s completely voluntary and anonymous. You are free to skip any questions that you do not wish to answer.

The survey will be open until May 16, 2022.

Thank you for your participation in this important effort.

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