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Thank you for attending the 2022 webinar series organized by the UW-Madison Extension Fruit Team and University of Minnesota Extension. We were thrilled to bring you three new crop series this season with speakers from all over the country.

Our team would like your feedback on this season's programing in order for us to develop future collaborative webinar series. We would appreciate if you took a few minutes to answer the survey linked below. This is the final reminder, and the survey will close end of day Monday, May 16. 
Take Survey Here
Rapid or Sudden Apple Decline (RAD/SAD)

Codling Moth Mating Disruption

Bloom Thinning 

Understanding Groundcovers in Your Orchard or Vineyard

Hazelnuts – A New High-Value Nut Crop for the Upper Midwest

Currant Production in the Upper Midwest

Grape Disease Management – Best Practices for Disease and Fungicide Resistance Management

Resistance Management – Understanding IRAC and FRAC Codes

Selecting Herbicides for the Vineyard

References to products in this publication are for your convenience and are not an endorsement of one product over similar products. You are responsible for using pesticides according to the manufacturer's current label directions. Follow directions exactly to protect the environment and people from pesticide exposure. Failure to do so violates the law.

Amaya Atucha
Extension Fruit Crop Specialist

Annie Klodd
Assistant Extension Professor - Fruit and Vegetable Production

Christelle Guédot
Extension Fruit Crops Entomologist

Leslie Holland 
Fruit Crop Pathology Specialist

Josie Russo
Communications Specialist 


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