Friday, May 6th

It's not a dog-eat-dog world at Kellogg... always keeping it high impact, low ego.
Photo cred: @kelloggpaws

Weekend mode is on

Crank up the tunes and shut down your Outlook, it's finally Friday, party people. This will be a pivotal weekend, for many reasons. The first of which, we must remind you, is Mother's Day on Sunday, May 8. Time to celebrate the mothers, step-mothers and mother figures in your life!

The next reason is another one for celebration - we are all aware of the terrifying bug infestation in Evanston, no? Well, they are called midges and according to this, their mating season will end next week. Farewell, midges, we will not miss you.

Our final reason is that Mother Nature will wake up from her seasonal slumber after Mother's Day and attempt to drag us out of this dreary weather next week with highs in 70s and sunshine abound. Vitamin D, incoming.

Reporting out more rain

We love a good Friday weather report, but this one will stay on the cooler side with a high 49°F (9°C) and scattered showers. Stay strong, folks. Sunnier days are on the other side of the weekend.


  • Champion Asian stories: Don't miss a panel including Kellogg alums and Kellogg faculty who will share their journey in understanding and embracing their identity in their personal and professional life. (12:15 pm)
  • TG(IF): Get ready to unplug and unwind with friends at this week's TG. (5:00 pm)
The Snow family gathered onstage after the final Special K! performance.
Photo cred: Ashley S.

Motherhood and the Kellogg MBA experience

As we approach Mother's Day this Sunday, Daybreak caught up with Ashley Snow (2Y '22) to spotlight her experience combining motherhood and an MBA. And might we add, she's doing it flawlessly? Read on to learn more about her family and how they've enjoyed the Kellogg community over the past two years.

For our readers who may not have had the chance to meet you, can you share some background on you and your (adorable!) family?
I am a second year in the 2Y program, and my partner, Zach Snow, is as well! I took the GMAT while eight months pregnant with our first, and Zach and I applied to business school together during our parental leave. Birdie is a precocious almost three-year-old who loves going to the library and making new friends. Frankie is our “sweetheart” who you’ve likely seen smiling around the Hub!

What was it about Kellogg that helped you decide it would be the right fit for you and your family as you pursue your MBA?
From our first conversations with the school, when they introduced us to other student parents, and in every interaction that followed, we felt confident that Kellogg would embrace and support us as a family unit. And that has remained true throughout our experience! When Frankie was born during fall quarter, our friends provided more meals, babysitting hours, and emotional support than we could have ever expected.

What is one of your proudest accomplishments during your time at Kellogg?
My proudest accomplishment at Kellogg was being the Dance Director for Special K! this year. The entire experience was such a stretch for me, both personally and physically. We started rehearsals when I was 2.5 months postpartum, and I was still figuring out how to move my own body again, as well as leading rehearsals on very little sleep. Watching the growth of our cast members - from auditioning to a song from “Encanto” to rocking “Ditchin’ 9 to 5” with the lights out (IYKYK) - is something I’ll always cherish.

Ashley and Birdie enjoying some family meal time together at Gordon's Marketplace.
Photo cred: Ashley S.

Do you have a favorite memory of your family and the Kellogg community?
Going to TG together every Friday! Birdie has learned her days of the week primarily because she wants to know when she’ll get to go to “Mama and Dada’s school” and “eat pizza.” I love introducing the girls to our classmates and watching them use the Global Hub as a playground.

For other parents, or those thinking about becoming parents, what advice would you offer to them for their own Kellogg experience?
Don’t be afraid to bring your kids along for the ride! Zach and I have always been passionate about pursuing our individual growth and building our community, even in the busyness of parenthood. Over the past two years, we have found so much joy in the chaos of combining our family and school experience - whether hosting SGDs as a family, bringing our girls to ski trip, or giving Birdie a bow in the last performance of Special K! It may seem easier or more comfortable to hang out solely with other parents, but your classmates in other life stages are always happy to snuggle a crying baby or share a snack with a toddler.

How will you and your family celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday?
Hopefully Zach has a great brunch idea in mind… Hint, hint ;)

Setting the world record for the youngest start to an MBA, Frankie heading to class with Ashley during the winter quarter. We heard she was prepared for cold calling!
Photo cred: Ashley S.

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