Irises! Hello, spring (at last).
Hello, everyone --

As Mother's Day nears, I'm recalling all sorts of moments -- both as a daughter and a mom. And, honestly, some of those memories involve tears.

That isn't what Mother's Day is supposed to look like, is it? And yet, how often does any given day turn out just as we expect? 

I wrote about my less-than-perfect Mother's Day in 2014, and with each passing year, I treasure that memory more. Because it's real. It's a glimpse at my less-than-perfect family doing our best in a less-than-perfect life.

As I reread that piece this morning, it occurred to me that the best Mother's Day gift of all could be the act of releasing expectations.

Maybe your day will be awesome, everything you ever hoped for! Or maybe your people -- or you -- will fall apart (again, see Mother's Day 2014)! What if we let it be OK, whichever way it goes?

Because you know the many ways you love your people, and you see the places where you stand in the gap, day after week after month after year.

You probably also are aware of the wisdom and depth of character you are gaining along the way.

This Sunday is a day. Whatever happens or doesn't happen that day has very little reflection on who you are or what you do.

The truth is, the life you are living is important, and who you are is priceless.

Take good care,

P.S. Did you see this coming? I didn't, but now I can't help it ... I'd like to encourage you to give yourself a gift this weekend. Take a few moments to honor your feelings about Mother's Day or your experiences of the day. Maybe even write something down. Here's a quick DIY guide to help you breathe, notice and write.  

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>> Encouraging women and men to write and live fully, at middle age and beyond.<< 
Sarah is a writing consultant and coach, and the author of The Same Moon, a memoir about running far, far away -- to rural Japan -- to find her way home
Copyright © 2022 Sarah Coomber -- writer, All rights reserved.

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