Rev. Dan Schmelzer of Capstone Ministries, Kenya, Africa and Rev. Rob Parker of the National House of Prayer, Ottawa, ON gave keynote addresses at our 2022 convention and pastors' retreat.
Rev. Schmelzer and his wife Patty (pictured to the right above) founded and direct Capstone Ministries, a ministry to mostly boys living on the streets of the city of Kisumu of Western Kenya. The Ministry's particular focus is on restoration of boys living in squalid conditions of the street with the family the boys ran away from and the empowerment of the family.
In Kenya a person's family of origin and the family's community are foundational to that person's personal and societal identity. A child rescued from the street and raised in a group home or institution (most often run by foreigners) identifies with the institution as family and is identified by others with that institution. The Schmelzer's and their supporters came to see that in order for street children to succeed in their culture, it is best that they be reunited with their family of origin.
The boys in the program live in a dormitory setting. They attend school (tuition is paid and uniforms obtained), and they also receive instruction in the Christian faith. Many are baptized and received into the body of Christ as a direct result of their participation in this vital ministry.
Rev. Schmelzer gave a powerful devotion on the Parable of the Prodigal Son ( Luke 15:11–32). The parable was a lens into Capstone's ministry. They reach many prodigal sons that have run away from their home. Their work requires great patience. They must establish a relationship of trust with each boy. Establishment of this trust relationship takes time. If a boy agrees to enter into Capstone's program, the boy's journey is a difficult one. Through a disciplined life, peppered with Christian education, many of the boys come to their senses and repent. Relationships with their homes must be slowly and methodically established. Often members of the family must come to their senses and repent so that relationships can be restored and the boy can safely return to family life.
Capstone Ministries is a Recognized Service Organization of LC-MS. More information on the ministry can be found on their website.
Rev. Rob & Fran Parker (pictured to the left above) are the founding directors of the National House of Prayer (NHOP). Rev. Parker described how he was challenged by two parishioners to engage in intentional prayer over his preaching and ministry. He intentionally spent part of each day walking and praying. During his prayer walks he heard the call to create an “Embassy of Prayer” in the nation’s capital on Canada Day – July 1st, 2000 after Rev. Parker had made a 73 day Prayer Walk from Calgary to Ottawa. After several years of sharing the vision with other leaders across the nation, they moved to the capital in 2004 to begin establishing a ministry that would mobilize prayer for government.
Rev. Parker's presentation included practical instruction in the establishment of an intercessory prayer group. Rev. Parker shared his behind-the-scenes experiences with Canadian politicians and dignitaries. He also shared many powerful accounts of his conversion to Christianity as an adult. He challenged those present, and all Christians, to enthusiastically and passionately pray for our leaders, most especially, those leaders with whom we may deeply disagree and profoundly mistrust. He called Christians to be involved in politics on every level. However, our greatest involvement in politics should be intercessory prayer for our nation and our leaders.
More information on the ministry, including information on how you can become intentionally involved in intercessory prayer, can be found on their website.
President's Report to the Convention
“For Such a Time as This.”
Maybe you’d rather not be around in such uncertain times. It does seem at times as if we are living in the book of Revelation, doesn’t it? Between plagues and economic distress and now a horrific war, these are not the best of times.
This past year I served my first year as president of our little synod. It hasn’t been easy to learn the ropes as Covid restricted travel and many activities.
Apart from weekly pastor fellowship zoom calls and conducting National Council meetings, there have numerous other activities and accomplishments.
1. Working on transition: for most of us Pastor Ed has been the only president we have known. We all owe him a debt of gratitude as God raised him “for such a time as this” to assist our church body through a dramatic time of change and growth. Thank you, Pastor Ed!
2. Hiring of an Administrative Coordinator: in January of this year the Executive of National Council conducted a number of interviews to fill this position. In the end, Sarah Dunphy of Ottawa was chosen. She has a lot of experience in organizing conventions and conferences across long distances and as such seems to be the one that God has raised “for such a time as this.”
3. Various Pastoral Visits:
- November 13-14: Faith-Calgary and the installation of Kelly Fedkiw as pastor-in-training.
- December 18: meeting with the call committee of Golden Valley-Viking, AB.
- December 19: installation of Boyd Hopkins as pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rosenthal, Stony Plain, AB.
- February 11-14: pastoral visit with Christ Lutheran-Sexsmith, AB.
- February 26-27: installation of C.S. Wong as pastor of Vancouver Chinese Lutheran-Burnaby, BC.
- March 17-19: pastoral visit with churches in Toronto and Western Ontario.
- March 20: preaching Good Shepherd-Toronto, ON.
- April 6: preaching Lenten service St. Matthew’s-Cornwall, ON.
- April 7: pastoral visit with Ottawa Valley churches in Ottawa, including one on one with Resurrection-Pembroke, ON and All Saints-Ottawa, ON.
4. There were also a number of personal calls and visits with CALC pastors or potential pastors.
What I am most encouraged by is this: the Spirit of God is truly stirring right across this church body and country. I believe that God is equipping us for a new task as we move forward.
John Lofstedt of Resurrection-Pembroke designed and posted this [graphic picture above] after our meeting in Ottawa. I had been struck by Philippians 2:1-11 (which in turn was selected by Connor Longaphie of St. Matthew-Cornwall).
“Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose (in Christ).”
Be strong in the Lord!
Pastor Jim
CALC's 2022 Annual General Convention
Venue & Quorum
CALC's 2022 Annual General Convention was held on Friday April 29th and Saturday April 30th at Holiday Inn & Suites Edmonton Airport - Conference Center, 1100-4 Street, Nisku, Alberta, T9E 8E2, Canada.
This year, because of COVID, CALC felt it was necessary to hold the Annual General Convention as a ‘hybrid’ Conference with both an in-person group and a ZOOM online group. The Secretary reported that we have 33 people registered for the in-person Conference and 22 registered for the online Conference. There are 40 registered as voting delegates, and 6 registered as non-voting or Associate members, 9 Visitors and Presenters for a total of 55 registrations. Nine National Council members are included in the total registrations as voting delegates or non-voting delegates for their respective congregations. We have representatives from 22 of CALC’s 33 congregations, from 5 provinces – BC (4), Alberta (10), Saskatchewan (2), Manitoba (1) and Ontario (5).
Rev. Alvin Sorenson, Golden Valley Lutheran Church, Viking, AB, was elected by acclamation to a second four-year term on CALC's Board of Trustees. Rev. Sorenson has brought a wealth of wisdom and experience to the National Council. We look forward to his future contributions to the life of our association. May God bless and guide Rev. Sorenson and the other members of National Council as they navigate CALC further into the 21st Century.
Elections for the position of Vice President and Treasurer will take place at our 2023 Annual General Convention. A Nominating Committee was appointed by the delegates.
Special Recognitions
Sarah Dunphy, CALC's new Administrative Coordinator, was introduced and welcomed by President Bredeson. Sarah lives in Ottawa, ON, with her husband and their son. She comes to the position with a wealth of knowledge and experience. She has earned a PHD in Political Science. She took a lead role in the planning and facilitation of the convention and pastors' retreat. A job well done! We look forward to Sarah's contribution to CALC's day-today administration and our association's path forward. May God bless and guide Sarah as she grows into the position God has called her to. Watch for an in depth article on our Administrative Coordinator in an upcoming edition of the e-Connector.
Some past members of CALC's National Council were recognized for their service. Rev. Ed Skutshek and Vivien Georgeson were honored for their service. Rev. Ed served as President of CALC for three consecutive four-year terms. Vivien served as CALC's Secretary for two consecutive four-year terms. Each will receive a token of appreciation for their service.
Rev. Peeter Vanker was also honored. This letter to Rev. Peeter was read into the record:
April 29, 2022
To our colleague and brother in Christ, Peeter Vanker:
Mercy, grace and peace be unto you from God our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved Brother,
On behalf of the CALC National Council, we would like to thank you for your service during your two terms on National Council.
Your wisdom, your dedication, an above all, your love of the Lord, are an inspiration to the entire Household of Christ here at CALC.
May God richly bless you and your family!
Signed: Rev. James Bredeson, President & Rev. Hein Bertram, Secretary
Changes in Membership and Rosters:
Individual Associate Members: Ron & Cheryl Chetney, of Camrose, AB, were added as Individual Associate Members of CALC. Ron will serve as Interim Pastor at Golden Valley Lutheran Church, Viking Alberta, upon Rev. Alvin Sorenson's retirement later this year.
Roster of Pastors - Additions: The following names were added to the Roster of Pastors: Pastor Chee Seong Wong called to Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church, Burnaby, BC and Pastor Boyd Hopkins, Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rosenthal, Stony Plain, AB from interim to called pastor.
Roster of Pastors - Deletions: Rev. Kevin Langager (retirement - Bardo Lutheran Church, Tofield, AB); Rev. Richard Dik-Sang Hung (retirement - Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church, Burnaby, BC; Rev. Eddie Kwok (resigned as interim pastor of New Life Chinese Lutheran Church, Vancouver, BC); Rev. Wayneroy Mohabir (resignation from call to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (Interim), North York, ON); Rev. Alan Gilman (resignation from call to All Saints Lutheran Church (Interim), Ottawa, ON).
Congregations in the Call Process:
- Asker – Calvary Lutheran Parish, Ponoka – Wetaskiwin, AB (Pulpit Supply)
- Christ Lutheran Church – Sexsmith, AB
- New Life Chinese Lutheran Church -English Pastor, Vancouver, BC (Pulpit Supply)
- St. Peter’s Lutheran Church - Sullivan, ON (Interim Ministry)
- Immanuel Lutheran Church - Parkside, SK (Pulpit Supply)
- All Saints Lutheran Church - Ottawa, ON (Pulpit Supply)
Students in CALC's Shepherd's Pathway:
The following students are studying with the Institute of Lutheran Theology, Brookings, South Dakota, for a Pastor Ministry Certificate: Kelly Fedkiw; Johnson Leung; and Randall McLeod. Kelly Fedkiw assists on the pastoral leadership team at Faith Calgary, in Calgary, Alberta. Johnson Leung has received significant training for the ministry in Hong Kong and Canada, he is deeply involved in the leadership at Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church, Burnaby, BC. Dr. Randall McLeod is a licensed chiropractor. Over the past several years he has provided supply preaching, most recently as a regular supply preacher for Immanuel Lutheran Church, Parkside, SK.
The following Pastors are actively engaged in further theological studies: Pastor Marc Lapointe, towards a D-Min at ILT; Pastor Roland Weisbrot continuing graduate studies at ILT; Pastor Connor Longaphie, pursuing a Master of Divinity degree, Sioux Falls, Seminary.
Amended 2022 Budget
Our Treasurer Helen Zacharias noted that it was too soon in the present fiscal year to propose a budget for 2023. The 2023 budget will be approved at CALC's 2023 Annual General Convention. The Board of Trustees brought forward amendments to the 2022 budget. These amendments included adding a line item for CPP & EI contributions for those remunerated by CALC. A missions fund for domestic and foreign mission projects was added. Our past president Rev. Ed Skutshek has been active in the transition of leadership, most especially training the Administrative Coordinator. The budget included remuneration for Rev. Skutshek as he continues in his transitional tasks and takes up some new tasks. The following amended budget was passed unanimously by the delegates:
Revenue |
2022 |
Congregational Benevolence |
96,350.00 |
Contributions – other |
10,000.00 |
Convention Registrations |
7,500.00 |
Pastors’ Conference Registrations |
5,000.00 |
GST Rebate |
800.00 |
119,65.00 |
Disbursements |
Administrative Assistant1 |
0 |
Administrative Coordinator2 |
11,000.00 |
President3 |
24,000.00 |
Annual National Convention. |
20,000.00 |
Bank service charges |
100.00 |
Committee Expenses |
1,000.00 |
Conference fees |
500.00 |
Director liability insurance |
1,000.00 |
Employer portion of CPP & EI |
3,000.00 |
ILT Canada Society |
3,000.00 |
Marriage Registration |
2,500.00 |
Membership - CCCC |
350.00 |
Missions4 |
10,000.00 |
National Council Meetings |
7,500.00 |
Office & Postage |
200.00 |
Pastor’s Conference |
13,000.00 |
Past President5 |
11,000.00 |
Travel – Pastoral & Executive |
6,000.00 |
Reserve |
4,000.00 |
Website Maintenance |
1,500.00 |
119,650.00 |
- The position of Administrative Assistant was eliminated
- The position of Administrative Coordinator added
- President remunerated at $2,000.00 per month
- Fund added for mission activities at home or abroad
- Past President of CALC Rev. Ed Skutshek retained to train Administrative Coordinator, coordinate recruitment of pastors, mission projects and such other activities as directed by National council.
CALC’s 2022 Pastors’ Study Retreat
This year's retreat was held on Wednesday April 27 and Thursday April 28 at the Hastings Lake Bible Camp - 51268 Range Rd 204 #135, Sherwood Park, AB T8G 1E9. The camp is on the shores of Hastings Lake near Sherwood Park, Alberta. It was a hybrid retreat with twenty registered guests attending in-person at the camp and one pastor (Pagie Isaac, Faith Lutheran, Toronto, ON) attending online. Participants stayed in the camp's Solomon & Trinity lodges.
Participants heard wonderful keynote addresses from Rev. Dan Schmelzer and Rev. Rob Parker. The retreat included time for worship, discussion, fellowship and rest.
Bill C-4 added the crime of “conversion therapy” to the Canadian Criminal Code. The new law criminalizes any practice, treatment or service, designed to change, repress or reduce, another person’s sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. It also made it a crime to advertise or receive compensation directly or indirectly from conversion therapy. Rev. Ed Skutshek, past President of CALC, spoke on Bill C-4 as a part of the Friday Learning Event.
While the legislation defines conversion therapy quite broadly and generally, the legislation targets professional who hold themselves out as psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers and life coaches, and who rely on secular theories regarding the causation and treatment of homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality and transgenderism. These professionals use systematic treatments which are based on their theory of the cause for homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality and transgenderism and are specifically designed to target those underlying causes.
The church and its pastors and leaders enjoy a freedom of speech, assembly, and most importantly a freedom of religion. Bill C-4's provisions cannot stop a pastor from proclaiming the truth about marriage, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as revealed in the Bible. Scripture's understanding of the cause of homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality and transgenderism has virtually nothing in common with the secular theories espoused by the above described professionals. As long the church's teaching and preaching concerning homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality and transgenderism sticks to scripture, we speak the truth in love, and our teaching and proclamation is not sprinkled with these secular theories, we need not fear government interference. Rev. Ed is completing a paper based on the presentation.