Dear <<First Name>>,
SummerFest Course Registration starts tomorrow! Bard LLI SummerFest 2022 will be mostly in person on the four Fridays in June. We will be offering some great courses and we encourage non-members to try us out for $25/course. If you know of anyone who has wanted to try Bard LLI, please forward this email message to them.
Course Dates
Fridays, June 3, 10, 17, 24, and one Zoom course on Thursdays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 (check the ProClass catalog for date exceptions and off-Friday offerings).
SummerFest Registration
Opens Friday, May 20 at 9:00 a.m. and continues until Saturday, June 11, 2022, for both members and non-members.
Course Enrollment
First-come, first-served.
Open to all members (free with your 2021-2022 membership).
Non-Members Invited!
Non-members can enroll in SummerFest courses for $25 per course, subject to the same first-come, first-served registration as members.
Non-members can speed up the registration process by creating their user account in ProClass before registration opens. If you are a non-member applicant to LLI and have already set up your account, just log in with your username and password.
No LLI account yet? Instructions on how to set up your account can be found at this link. Choose your own relationship to LLI, such as applicant (if you want to apply for membership) or friend of LLI (if you simply want to take SummerFest courses). Be sure to click Save when you are done. You can recover your user name and/or password later, but the easiest way is to simply write these down when you set up your account.
Non-members will be asked to enter their credit card information at the end of the registration process. If a non-member does not have a user account in ProClass, they will be asked to create an account before purchasing a course.
Questions? Contact
SummerFest Catalogs
In ProClass
To access the ProClass catalog, click on the link below.