27th May 2022

Arkholme Primary School News

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Week commencing 6th June at a glance... 

Monday -
- Puffins trip to the beach -see ParentPay for details
- Owls & Kingfishers - Games kit
- All Tuck shop Tuesday - 50p a snack, all proceeds to our Kenyan school friends.
- BLAthon - Small team of five children, emails have been sent
- Y5 - Young leaders course, Games kit

- Y5 - Young leaders course, Games Kit

- Robins PE kit
- Puffins and Nursery - PE kit

Spread The Happiness calendar...

Wednesday - Choo Choo Day
Friday - Silly hair day

You don't need to do or send anything for our STH days unless we let you know in advance, there will be things going on in class and your children may tell you all about it!

Breaktime snacks

A polite reminder that children should only be bringing healthy snacks (fruit fresh/dried, Frubes, cheese, crackers breadsticks etc) NOT crisps, biscuits, chocolate bars on Monday – Thursday, with Friday being children’s choice of snack. For those children that bring a packed lunch, please provide a snack as above. There is free fruit for EYFS/KS1 children, and we often have lots of this left over to share out to KS2 children. Thank you

Contact us...

The quickest and easiest way to contact your child's teacher is to email Mrs Waddington and mark it for the attention of your child's teacher.
Please contact the school office via email or phone 015242 21418
Please do not message via Remind as these messages often get missed.
Click here to email Mrs Waddington in the school office
Click here to email Mrs Ingram

London Residential

What an amazing four days Owls class have spent in London. We have visited lots of interesting historic places and learned lots about the history of England. Whilst we managed to send some photos during our time away, there are lots more to share with you! The easiest way of you having a permanent record would be for you to send in a pen-drive, for us to upload all the photos.

Whilst the visit was amazing and brilliant, in so many ways, so too were your children. They were a credit to the school at all times. Thank- you Mr. Pedder, Mrs. Muckalt, Mrs Whitaker and Miss. Donald, for accompanying us and making this trip possible.

Music lessons

Mr Warriner has sent out this term's bills, please make sure you have received it and any problems, his email is below.
Email Mr Warriner - Music lessons

Jubilee DT challenge

The children worked really hard to make their jubilee coaches whcih were expertly pulled by Darcey's horses down 'The Mall'!
Today was Stay Outside Day! What a fantastic day we had!

In the classroom this week!

The Puffins have had a fantastic week learning all about the Queen and London. A puffin (toy!) joined the Owls on there London trip and has been sending pictures of there adventures, we have loved learning all about London. We have done super writing about London and creating Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the Queen's Carriage in the creative and construction area. We have also been decorating the Queen's crown with her special jewels! We enjoyed 'Show Day!' by performing to each other on our Puffin stage. We enjoyed learning about the London buses, we even went on a special Puffin bus journey!! 
We have put 'Tricky Word' cards in the Reception Puffin book bags for you to look at with your child. How many can you read? Can you make up a game to help you learn them? Remember we can't use our phonics, we just have to learn them!
Well done for a fantastic half term, we are all so impressed and proud how hard you have all worked. Have a wonderful half term break and we look forward to seeing you well rested for the next half term. Happy holidays from the Puffin Team!
Year two were taught by Mrs Oram this week and she has said that she has had a wonderful week with them! They were a pleasure to teach! The children have continued their work on length and have been solving problems involving length and measuring. In English they have been working on their 500 words stories for the Arkholme story writing competition. Mrs Oram said they wrote until their hands were tired! I look forward to reading them all next week!

This week in Year 1 we have been reading all about 'The Queen's Hat'. It is a great story about the Queen's hat being wooshed away by the wind and travels over, across and through different London Landmarks. We have sequenced the story, drew our favourite landmark and made a flip flop booklet to tell the story. 
In the afternoon we have had a great week as Robins. We have looked at how vehicles move, designed our own vehicle to make and  a new carriage for the Queen and then created our vehicle on Thursday afternoon- they are amazing and we are all very proud of them!
Have a super Half Term everyone. 
We've worked hard in Kingfisher Class this week.
The children have completed their fractions unit in maths and begun planning their short stories for the Arkholme 500 Words competition. They have also designed and made models of the Gold State Coach with moving parts. The children worked hard to position the axels and wheels correctly and enjoyed decorating their models with crowns and flags. 
On Thursday, we welcomed David Brookhouse and Chris Fox from Lancashire Heritage Learning. Chris is a folk musician and song writer, and the children took part in a fantastic song writing workshop. Together they wrote some fabulous words and Chris helped them to develop the tune. We hope to be able to share their song with you soon.
As this was the final week of our school jubilee celebrations and we created our own grand procession of carriages, coaches and horses, riding down The Mall towards Buckingham Palace! We pushed all our tables together and covered them in red paper with the dolls house at one end. We practised our marching and royal waves to the sound of the Grenadier Guards! It was a fitting end to a wonderful fortnight of celebrations, and I know the children are looking forward to the celebrations continuing next week.
Have a lovely half-term break everyone,
Mrs Burgess
Owls have had an incredible time down in London this week. It was jam packed from beginning to end and the children enjoyed themselves immensely! They were also a credit to the school and behaved really well on all our trips and journeys.
On Monday, once we had arrived in London and dropped off our suitcases at the youth hostel, we headed over to the Globe Theatre where we learnt all about how Shakespeare's plays were performed, and also got to witness some actors and actresses rehearsing for their performance of Henry VIII. We then headed over to the Golden Hinde and learnt what it was like to be a sailor on board the ship in the 16th century. We even stayed below deck like the sailors did - although we were a little luckier as there were no animals on board, we smelt a bit better and we had the "luxury" of a sleeping bag!
On Tuesday, we headed over to the Monument first which was built in remembrance of the Great Fire of London and marks the spot where the fire started. We climbed the 311 steps to the top for an incredible panoramic view of London. After that, we headed over to Tower Bridge for a guided tour. We learnt all about the bridge as well as hearing some amazing stories - I particularly liked one about a London bus driver who had been caught on the bridge as it opened and had jumped the gap with 19 passengers on board! We were very lucky to witness the bascule bridge open, and even more lucky to see it from above through the glass floor. Once we had finished there, we headed over to the Tate Modern to look at some modern art and there were many interesting pieces. Then, in the evening, the children enjoyed a well-earned meal at Poppie's Fish and Chip shop which gave them the energy to go on the guided, open-top bus tour. The children loved seeing all the sights and the tour guide was very entertaining!
On Wednesday, we got up early and went to visit the Houses of Parliament. The children were shocked and in awe at how beautifully the building was decorated on the inside and they also found it amazing that they were inside the building they had seen on TV! Once we had completed the guided tour, we had a workshop on how laws were made, and the children enjoyed debating a bill banning school uniforms in school. After this, we headed to Westminster Abbey, which was again decorated beautifully inside, and the children were particularly impressed by the incredible ceilings and struggled to get their heads around how many important historical figures were buried there! The modern stain glass window which had been put in proved a controversial choice with some pupils loving it and others thinking it was horrible and didn't fit in. Next, we headed over to Downing Street. Unfortunately, we weren't able to go down the street itself due to the Sue Gray report coming out at the time we were meant to head down there, but we were able to peak down the street. We then walked over to briefly see the House Guards Parade and took some pictures with the guard on duty. At night, we went for a delicious pizza at Pizza Pilgrims before heading over to the Adelphi Theatre to watch Back to the Future. The children were absolutely stunned by the special effects (as were the adults!). For many, this was their favourite experience of the whole trip (myself included!).
On Thursday, we went over to the Tower of London. The tour guide was fantastic and taught us all about how the Tower was used as both as a castle and a prison for traitors. The children loved learning about the Tudor period and about the gruesome tortures and murders that took place at this time! We came back on Thursday afternoon very tired but after having enjoyed a fun week.
When we got back to school on Friday, the children were relieved it was "Stay Outside Day" where they got to enjoy lots of activities outside like obstacle courses and scavenger hunts.
I have set homework over half term to write about our trip to London: about what they saw and learned; and what they liked and disliked. I've asked them to do these in little blue books which I think will make fantastic memories for later on in life so please encourage them to do it. I'm looking forward to reading them after half-term.
Have a great half-term,
Mr P


Best in Show! This year at the Summer Fair we are introducing some Village Fête classes for you to enter, open to all. It will be 50p to enter a class. So get your thinking caps on over the half term as these are the categories. More information will follow. We are really looking forward to seeing your entries. Photograph of pet in a hat Vegetable self portrait 6 eggs laid by my hens Miniature garden Flowers in a jam jar Portrait of teacher/ classmate as superhero Home grown something! Hand crafted monster (knitted, sewn...) Junk modelled space ship Best decorated cupcake
Every Friday we hold a whole school WOW worship. We celebrate good work in school each week. There are three categories...
Golden Book - This is to reward children who have worked hard, produced some great work or improved a great deal.
Christian Values - This celebrates, kindness, friendship, perseverance, respect, love or any one of our Christian Values.
Golden Book 
Puffins - Archie - amazing London writing - hard work and determination.
Robins - 
Year 1 -
Hannah for showing readiness to learn in every lesson. Thank you!
Year 2 -  Ben was on fire with his maths this week. Well done for working so hard!
Kingfishers -  Matilda for writing such an imaginative opening to her jubilee story. 
Owls - All of the Owls for being fantastic in London all week! I hope you had as much fun as I did! You were all amazing!
Christian Values 
Puffins - Layla always beign polite, kind and respectful to her friend, teachers and classroom. Thank you for setting a good example.
Robins - 
Year 1 - 
D'Angelo for showing perseverance in his writing, well done!
Year 2 - Thomas for being a great friend during playtime, helping his friend with his coat.
Kingfishers - Darcey for generously lending her horses for our royal procession.
Owls - This was very difficult to choose as everyone has been brilliant on our trip. I have chosen Abraham for being an awesome representative for our school. He was helpful, polite and engaged very well with all of our tour guides.
Happiness Amabassador 
Puffins - Jessica and Alice for brilliant singing and dancing on show day!
Robins - 
Year 1 -
Lissy for always being happy, helpful and ready to learn.
Year 2 - Robine for being so happy making her vehicle this week.
Kingfishers - Leah is always smiling and happy!
Owls - I'm going to pick Ezra this week as he was in my Five Guys team this week and made me laugh loads with his jokes!
Community News
Arkholme Parish Church - Weekly Bulletin
The Wagtail - local news
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