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Welcome to Dark Moon Musings #09.

I went looking for a particular photo of our tiny home recently. I scrolled through five years of images and was surprised by how often the facade of our cottage changed. The environmental conditions are clearly etched on her face.
Our cottage looking dry and desolate in the summer of 2019/20 during drought and wildfire, and only a year later,  the following summer, looking abundant and luscious.

Imagine if, during the drought, we'd tried to make our cottage look like she does in a good year. Perhaps we could have done it if we’d ordered truckloads of water and devoted hours to shading and tending the garden. But why bother? There's no sense in striving for peak productivity all the time.

Yet we expect ourselves to do it?

We don't allow ourselves to lay fallow when times are tough. 

There are times in our life when trying to be 'productive' is as silly as pouring truckloads of water onto a garden in the midst of a drought.

We are supposed to wax and wane with the conditions; the earth's seasons, our life seasons, and with whatever is happening around us.

These waning times are not wasted, they are building capacity. Capacity to deal with stress. Capacity to nurture our families. Capacity to contribute to your community. Capacity to come up with creative solutions. Capacity to do the work that needs to be done.

The quality of our actions depend upon the quality of our rest. 

If we are too busy to stop and think, burned out, depleted, exhausted, or burdened by anxiety or overwhelm - our actions will have little value.

So to sum up this month’s dark moon musings, drop the facade and ditch the guilt. 

With love, 

Inside Time Outside Retreat 

Here’s a few images from last weekend’s Inside Time Outside Retreat. So much magic! And I get to do it all over again this Sunday. 
Book an Inside Time Outside Retreat
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I acknowledge the Wonnarua people—the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I live and write. I recognise their ongoing connection to this land and its stories, and pay my respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging.

Copyright © 2022 Tricia D. Walker, All rights reserved.

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