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Congratulations on Being Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason


Brother <<Last Name>>,
Congratulations on being raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. I am hopeful that this has been a memorable and important event in your life. Over the coming weeks, you will receive a welcome packet and formal welcome letter in the mail along with several emails from the Grand Lodge of Indiana introducing topics that are not discussed in your degree work. These topics will help introduce you to many of the ways of working inside your lodge along with terms and concepts that may be new.

As a first next step, please take a moment and create your account on the INGL Member’s Portal. You can use the following link, but please know that it is accessible on the bottom portion of

You will need to know this information
Member Number: <<Member Number>>
Lodge Name: <<Lodge Name>>
Lodge Number: <<Lodge Number>>

Create Your Indiana Freemasons Account
Next, show your earl zeal for our fraternity by reading and completing "The Rookie Award." This is an award designed to help Indiana Lodges recognize new Master Masons who become actively involved in their symbolic Lodge and Freemasonry in general during their first year in our fraternity. Make sure you are logged in the Member's Portal above and click the button below to learn the details and to print your tracking sheet.
Learn About the Rookie Award for New Members
Next, consider following the Indiana Grand Lodge on Facebook and request to join the Indiana Freemasons Facebook Group. While the latter is private – please do not consider it tiled. Do not discuss any information that is a Masonic secret.
Please begin your journey with the best wishes and continued support of all the Officers of the Indiana Grand Lodge.
Follow INGL on Facebook
Join the Indiana Freemasons Group
David G. Morgan, Grand Master of Masons in Indiana
David G. Morgan
Grand Master of Masons
David Morgan's Pin Design
In recent years, each Grand Master has had a pin struck for distribution amongst the craft. Each pin is different and represents ideas important to each Grand Master - and this is the Grand Master's vision for his pin:

Keeping with the history of the Grand Lodge of Indiana since 1992, I have designed a Grand Master’s Pin
for the 2022-2023 year. This pin has special meaning not only for what it represents but for who it
honors. I have spoken about how we are a family and about the strong connections that we have with
one another by being Freemasons. I belong to a strong and connected family line and the last five Past
Grand Masters from my family have each designed special pins for their year. I have used something
from each of their pins in my design to honor them and what they proudly stand for.

From Past Grand Master Bill Blasingame I discovered more about becoming a better man with a focus
on areas of youth groups, education, and following one’s passions. From Past Grand Master Richard W.
Wierzba I learned about committing time and resources to our Indiana Masonic Home at Compass Park
and in doing so, touching the lives of our many Brothers and Sisters. From Past Grand Master Jim
Barkdull, I learned about setting an example for others by living up to our obligations as Freemasons and
what it means to be proud to be a Freemason. From Past Grand Master Greg Walbridge, I learned the
value of building strong relationships based on the three virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity as we walk
our many paths in life. From Past Grand Master Carey B. Carter, I came to a better understanding of
what it means to be a proud Freemason in the State of Indiana and as a citizen of this great nation. Each
pin was adorned with a message to remind us how we should meet, act and part during our journey as

The 2022-2023 Grand Master Pin has an outer ring of purple representing the Grand Lodge of Indiana
with a message of Proud to be a Freemason. The center portion of the pin is blue representing the Blue
Lodges with a message of Faith, Hope, Charity, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. The purple of our
fraternity is the Grand Lodge supporting the Square &amp; Compass and the Craft. The Bell Tower supported

by the Square and Compass signifies our lodges and members which supports the Indiana Masonic
Home at Compass Park providing a dignified and quality of live for our fraternal members.
I have had the privilege to serve on the Indiana Masonic Home at Compass Park Board of Directors since
2015. It is difficult to put into words how much the experience of serving on the board has touched my
life. Being a small part of the changes and seeing firsthand how we as Freemasons are making life better
for others. This joy lives inside of me and I can only hope that I can share that joy with everyone around
Copyright © 2022 Grand Lodge of Indiana, Free and Accepted Masons, All rights reserved.

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