Yes, it’s May Long Weekend as it’s popularly known, the unofficial beginning of summer. Next weekend is a long weekend in much of the world. It will be Memorial Day in the United States, but in much of northern Europe it will be Ascension Day weekend. This includes the traditionally Lutheran Nordic countries and Germany.
I was prompted to think about that when I read one of my devotionals today. The devotional (from the March-May issue of “The Word for You Today”) told the story of a visit D.L. Moody made to England. On a Sunday morning he agreed to preach at a church with the reputation of being dead. He found preaching there to be very difficult. After the morning service an elderly lady visited her homebound sister. When told about Moody’s visit, the shut-in sister exclaimed, “I’ve been praying God would send Moody to England!” The sisters determined to fast and pray for the evening service. That night Moody preached like a man on fire and the response was so unbelievable that Moody thought the crowd had misunderstood.
The scripture heading the devotion is this: “When a believing person prays, great things happen.” James 5:16 NCV The phrase “Moody preached like a man on fire” reminded me that I have requested that the churches of CALC would pray for “fire in the pulpits” up until Pentecost.
That brings us back again to Ascension. As Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave instructions to his disciples to go into all the world with the Good News. The disciples along with others spent the 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost praying. They and the Church were turned upside down as it were by the power (and fire) of the Holy Spirit.
After all, “when a believing person prays, great things happen.”
Be Strong in the Lord!
Pastor Jim Bredeson, President
A Prayer for Fire in our Pulpits
Lord God of Pentecost, we pray for fire in the pulpits of CALC, a fire that includes a zeal for the Word of God and a desire that many come to know Christ. Ignite our congregations with a similar zeal that we may be known as places of love and places of connection with God. We thank you in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.