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LookPastIt Quarterly Newsletter!

Sent JUNE 1, 2022 18:22 Eastern Time

[stipple painting of a hand giving the Vulcan salute, by M.E. of]

Whats new? (The short of it.)

  • FLATLAND! (Full length film) … Still not ready, but so worth it!

  • OSIRIS-REx Artisan database … NASA is out, but we’re doing it anyway!

  • HUD to HAPPINESS! … Filming revealed a re-write requirement! Good Catch!

  • Reality Re-Explained! … Asking Nikola Tesla; How?

  • STARGATE NEXUS… We have a test parcel in Second Life!

  • PATREON …Clairvoyance, the Big Bang, & Emotions as our HUD!

  • Remmy broke her finger! 1 metal plate, 2 screws, and 5 pins later…

  • In memory of our little bro, Steel Talon Elliott [May 31, 1991 - June 1, 2020]

  • Until Next Time!

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[screen capture of the FLATLAND machinema adaptation; a set built in Second Life by NejraTu and RemmyHun]

FLATLAND (full-length film) W.I.P.

That’s right, we said by the end of March and May just went by with no FLATLAND movie release, certainly not for any lack of desire to see it done!

Fact of the matter is, we didn’t know what we didn’t know. We know we want it like a real movie, cinematic and everything, but we’ve had to teach ourselves everything from scratch. Only one of us can edit film and audio. Both of us can build, but with the Stargate build so big, we divided and only one of us built FLATLAND so the other could keep building Awez Island for our Stargate projects.

Building the world in 3d means everything that moves has to be told to move and how, through “scripting.” We have to script each individual moving part, which meant learning what scripts to use to make what movements, and where to put them. Sometimes, we’ve had to create a new object, make it invisible and attach it to the visible object to get it to move right. Even before said stuff can be filmed! So, we’re still filming.

At this point, I’ll be thrilled if we get the movie out before the next newsletter!

Join us on YouTube for the up-coming “FLATLAND” movie and “FLATLAND Insights” episode where we discuss FLATLAND in ways I’ve never heard before, but I want to hear more often!

For in-depth behind the scenes of FLATLAND, join us on Patreon!

[screen capture of flatland on a book page, inside the winstigator office, built by Remmyhun and NejraTu, RA & M.E., in Second Life.]
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[photograph mock-up of the "HUD to HAPPINESS" Vol. 1 book cover.]

HUD to HAPPINESS: Volume One

Everything happens for a positive reason!
In filming the book we came across a very important piece that was missing. On the one hand, yay, the first edition will be more complete than originally imagined. On the other hand, M.E. already had this in the done pile and moved on to… well, all of the above… so, somewhere in-between all of that will be the re-writing and illustrating of key pages of “HUD to HAPPINESS Vol 1” to include the missing piece. By then, printing should be back to schedules or we’ll find another distributor.

In the meantime, we’re going forward with more filming of the book content, using publicly sourced video clips instead of our illustrations.

The first filmed episode about the HUD books is also Reality Re-Explained episode 2.

RRE (202) INTRO to EMOTIONS as our HUD for navigating reality
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[screen capture of Second Life "Atla" aka "The Emerald City" set for Stargate Nexus Machinema series. Set by RemmyHun and NejraTuu, RA & M.E.]


If you already have a Second Life account, feel free to visit our Test Site:
Satori Stories Studio One!

[a screen capture of the aerial view of the island bay of the ground level of a second life parcel made for testing and machinema filming.]

Here, we have built a multi-level testing ground that doubles as a RP (role-play) space, should the mood strike. On the ground level (pictured above in birds-eye view) we have built a modern lagoon bay, complete with beach, mini island, and boat “Dockhouse,” which is where the link above will land you. The airlock door inside is accessible for RP of modern-futuristic and sci-fi themes. The code is “369,” and stepping through takes one to our skybox home of “Bunker 369.” (Pictured below)

You may notice in the birds-eye-view, to the left of the bay there is an alcove, a smaller lagoon, and this area hides our ground level Stargate. Currently, one may use the Stargate to “gate” directly to the same skybox on our test parcel that is home to the bunker. The Stargate leads to the other side of the skybox, the medieval-fantasy side, which in RP is called, “Ozgud Sanctuary.”

[screen capture of "Bunker 369", just above where you "land" when you arrive. RPG space in Second Life.]

Ozgud Sanc, as it is sometimes abbreviated, is a medieval level cave-dweller sanctuary. (seen below, fantasy elements allowed and encouraged but tech should be under medieval masquerade; as example, the Stargate here is locally referred to as the Astral Eye.) The cave sanctuary has beautiful catacombs and waterfalls, with soft light pouring in from openings in the rocks above. There’s a tavern and inn hidden within, along with themed meditation and recreation rooms. The prized jewel might very well be the Jade Palace, which is really a lush natural spring and garden from floor to open ceiling.

[screen capture of "Ozgud Sanctuary", about where you "land" when you arrive. RPG space in Second Life.]

As can only been seen from our Studio One black room, the Jade Palace is overlooked by the Studio. For inspiration, of course, and for fun. Studio One (seen below) is where we build or drop small sets for specific filming. Sometimes, this can be done IC (in character) during an RP, but mostly we’ve been OoC (out of character) just preparing SGN and Flatland sets. Which brings us to the next level of our skyboxes.

[screen capture of Studio One's black room windows, which overlook the lower levels playground called "The Jade Palace" which is really a lush jungle spring inside a cave hole.]
[screen capture of Studio One's black room windows, which overlook the lower levels playground called "The Jade Palace" which is really a lush jungle spring inside a cave hole. This view is from further away and includes a green screen portion that has stairs and a stargate. There is a camera pointed at the gate.]

Stages (rather than studio) 1 thru 6. (Seen below)

1, 3, and 5 are white backgrounds for filming the “spacelander” view of Flatland, while 2, 4, and 6 are black backgrounds for filming the “flatlander” view of Flatland. The white currently looks grey because that iis how one finds they way out of the box once inside. With grey walls, the door is white, but during filming the walls are turned white and the door is invisible.

For more in depth behind the scenes on our machinema filming, join our Patreon!

In this newsletter, we’re moving on to the next and final level of our testing parcel.

[screen capture of second life build digital stages for the filming of Flatland from two perspectives, Flatland and Spaceland.]

See, in Second Life (SL), our test parcel may be an 1/8th of a full “sim” on the ground (in part because of the Landlords “free water channel” laws for boaters), but we can build up to 5000 meters high. Most of us keep it under 4,500 for safety of the build, as at the 5,000 meter range, things get returned because the servers hiccup or something. It’s the digital edge of the SL universe.

Therefore, at 4,001 meters in the digital air of our SL test parcel (13,126 and a half feet up), we built the mock-up OoC landing for the Awez Island sim. (Seen below)

An “OoC landing” is a space where the SL avatar “lands” when they “travel” or “teleport” there, and the player, or operator of the avatar, learns about and chooses whether to enter the playground, and how.

We’ve designed our playground to be a nexus where anyone can “be” anything in-game. Freedom of expression, within the Linden Labs Terms Of Service (LL TOS).

That said, like our test parcel, we’re building the Awez sim to have an underground sci-fi bunker that… surprise (not really,) is the same one our SGN team discovers through the machinema filmed YouTube series show. Above ground, as the team will uncover, the world is still medieval, but far from primitive.

This landing gives a sample platter of the sceneries, and when the Awez Island sim is open to the public, each book will become a portal one can walk their avatar into to be transported into the realm of Awez Island.

[screen capture of the mock-up of the Awez Island Second Life RP Playground "OoC Landing" introducing character/avatars and their players/writers to the nexus and island. It is a circle of book portals, each with a different landscape spilling out.]
Visit our Test Parcel in SL
Read About Our Satori Stories Community RPG
[screen capture of second life build digital studio and temporary film set of a treasure room spilling out of a book, complete with Stargate inside.]
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SGN Forum on

FREE TO EVERYONE (with links this time)
Intuition vs Gut Instinct (article)
Changing Course & Finding Your Purpose (article)
Changing Course & Finding Your Purpose (trailer)
Changing Course & Finding Your Purpose (episode)
Introduction to EMOTIONS as our natural HUD for navigating reality (episode)
Intuition is Clairvoyance, by the way… How far do you want to go? (article)

FOOT IN THE DOOR PATRONS and up: (with links this time)
Welcome! (discord community access)
Emotional Gas Gage; Where do ideas come from? (article)
Behind the Scenes (BtS): About our Banner (article)
BtS [FLATLAND]: Voice Overs (article)

CLOSER LOOK PATRONS and up: (with links this time)
BtS [FLATLAND]: Building Flatland in Spaceland (article)
LLAMP Art (Digital Download)
BtS [FLATLAND]: Voice Acting (audio)
The Big Bang (download)
The Big Bang Free Will (

OPEN BOOK PATRONS and up: (with links this time)
LLAMP Art Additionals (Digital Download)

ECLIPSE OF THE MIND PATRONS and up: (with links this time)
LLAMP Art Additionals (Digital Download)

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channels to watch our free episodes!

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lookpastit on YouTube
SGN on YouTube
[actual x-rays of Remmy's broken hand, made into a banner showing the break and the fix.]

Remmy broke her finger!

One metal plate, two screws, and five pins later, its healing. Not before the bones were separated for a week (4/20 - 4/28) awaiting a hand surgeon, who then had to file down bone growth before pin-screw-plating it all back together. He still ended up lengthening the finger, but as of today, a month later, (according to the surgeon) she has 95% of full movement back. Huzzah!

[Steel Talon Elliott photography; RIP, little brother. ]

Photograph by Steel, date unknown.

In memory of Steel Talon Elliott, our little bro who happened to be taller than us all,
May 31, 1991 ( LOVE ) June 1, 2020

Until next time…

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