
Cities of Learning 🌻

Everyone in the world is going through a difficult period. But we must look ahead to tomorrow. It would help if you had a clear mind and healthy body to learn, manage your emotions, and be able to focus 🌿 Many #CitiesOfLearning projects accelerated activities in these months focusing on educators, learners and local realities ✌️ Let's have a look 👇

Cities and Regions of Learning, together with youth leaders, met in Lorca City of Learning for an international Youth Seminar on leadership and advocacy. Have a look at how vibrant the event was! 
This is a podcast series where young co-managers of youth in Cities and Regions of Learning across the globe describe their experiences, ups & downs and future plans. Listen on:
✈️  This week we're visiting our partner Youthopolis and other organisations in Romania to analyse & share competence frameworks in adult learning programs focused on #EntrepreneurialSkills.
Suppose you want to understand how you can recognise and strengthen your entrepreneurial traits and skills 😉 In that case, try this👇

You can recognise entrepreneurship competencies using the platform

Our platform offers learning organisers to add skills and competencies from the EntreComp: the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. EntreComp is a reference framework to explain what is meant by an entrepreneurial mindset. FIND MORE
May became an opportunity for international partners working on 21st-century skills education and recognition for meeting and experiencing Vilnius city, which has a lot to share!

"Youth participation really seems to have a role in the social domain. Formal and non-formal learning goes hand in hand here, and education does not feel threatened but embraces cooperation and encourages growth and learning opportunities in collaboration with the local government. Co-creation seems self-evident here", - shares Maarten Obens, Co-founder of the Tilburg City of Learning

Do you know any Italian organisations? 

Cagliari and Sardinia invite Italian organisations, stakeholders and anyone curious about the learning to get to know what #CitiesOfLearning really means. WATCH

GameON: scaling inclusive game design practices 

Game design is a powerful tool to empower people to unlock their creative & innovative potential. Partners are returning home from training with ideas & tools for their work. READ

Youth Navigator

A new project aims to contribute to the inclusive transition to sustainable living throughout empowering youth work sector across the globe to raise awareness on environmental issues by personal example & digital tools – the language of young people.

Join us on LinkedIn where our discussions on several topics take place. JOIN ✌️
Cities of Learning platform transforms cities into thriving learning ecosystems. Learners, organisations and public institutions can map learning opportunities, combine local and digital experiences through playlists, issue and earn digital Open Badges to value and recognise learning and achievements.
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