

April 30, 2022 was a very special day for the Pink Dragon Ladies! The Tampa International Dragon Boat Festival took place at Rocky Point, and there were enough healthy and enthusiastic team members to enter two boats — one ten-person and one traditional 20.


After a year-long delay due to the pandemic, the IBCPC Festival in New Zealand is a GO! Many of our Pinks plan to attend, while some are holding off until more is known about costs and travel restrictions. Nevertheless, the Pink Dragon Ladies have registered two boats for the festival, and have started preparing for international competition. Fundraising and sponsorship will greatly affect our ability to fill both boats in April of 2023. We are optimistic that the Pinks will be able to once again create lasting memories, as we did in Peterborough in 2010, Sarasota in 2014, and Florence in 2018. Follow the festival website for ongoing bulletins.

Leigh Steck has begun a Facebook group—Pinks NZ 2023—for those who would like to stay in touch about New Zealand travel plans.

Three requests for team members as we use the Team Snap website and app to communicate:

1 - Enable the CHAT feature so that you receive updates on the app. It’s really the easiest way to stay in touch for practices and other updates!

2 - Add your photograph. As we add new members and encourage longstanding members to participate in activities, it helps to have photos in each member’s profile so we can attach a name to a face, and vice versa. If you haven’t done so already, please add your smiling face to our profile!

3 - Update your contact info - You can also click “add to contacts” on your phone to save TeamSnap profiles to your contacts.

Member Contributions

Our unpaid volunteers, coaches, and board members do so much to keep our organization vital. But, please remember that boats, equipment, docks, storage, and race registration have fixed costs. We suggest that members donate $10 monthly to keep us “above water.” If you can donate quarterly ($30) or annually ($120), it will minimize processing efforts. Of course, any additional gifts are welcomed with gratitude. The PDL’s would prefer to receive your tax deductible gift as a check payable to Team Survivor Tampa Bay, mailed c/o Pam Walenczik, 1248 Jasmine Lake Dr, Tarpon Springs, FL 34689. Alternatively, you can give your contribution to Pam at practice, or click here to give to the Pinks online.


Team Calendar

  • Practices will continue on Saturday mornings at 7:00 AM and Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM.

  • Connie Bainbridge is taking a short sabbatical, but she has recorded her marvelous Zoom fitness classes for paddlers. Links to several sessions are available when you join the PDL Fitness for Paddlers group on Facebook. While watching these sessions is encouraged, you must actually participate in the exercises to gain full benefit!

  • May 29, 2022— Tampa Bay Rays vs. New York Yankees at Tropicana Field. Contact Meagan Jones at for more information.

  • More race updates and community events will be announced in our next newsletter.

Golf Fundraiser - And Call for Volunteers

The Pink Dragon Ladies are planning a golf fundraiser—our largest fundraising opportunity of the year—on September 24, 2022. Past golf scrambles raised much-needed funds for a new boat, camps, equipment, team travel, and other team expenses. And, in true PDL tradition, we had a blast!

These events have a lot of moving parts, and require many helping hands to run smoothly, so if you are able to help, let Deena know. Please volunteer your expertise to chair a committee. This year’s scramble will be held at The Eagles Golf Club in Odessa.

Diane Ruth Brown

August 25, 1951 - April 24, 2022