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MAY 2022 | | The CBMG Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee serves as a departmental resource for knowledge of and leadership in DEI. The Committee is responsible for assessing the departmental environment for DEI, recommending activities, resources, and policies to enhance DEI in CBMG, and promoting DEI awareness in the department, including climate, recruitment, retention, and outreach. Our annual DEI activities include events, such as Back-to-School, Halloween/Day of the Dead, Lunar New Year, Disability Awareness, and Juneteenth. In addition, we are gathering and publishing personal stories of department members in the CBMG Newsletter, sponsoring a new departmental DEI award, and working with the seminar committee to encourage a greater diversity of invited speakers. We also identify and advertise external events regarding DEI. We encourage participation in national organizations with a diversity focus, such as ABRCMS, SACNAS, and oSTEM, and plan to offer our own DEI workshops and training. We welcome any suggestions you have for the committee. Signed, Current DEI Committee members: Caren Chang (co-chair), Chuck Delwiche (co-chair), Grace Igbinosun, Edgar Moctezuma, Aurelie Niyongabo, Errica Philpott, Teresa Thompson | | FEATURE | | PERSONAL STORIES | The CBMG Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion committee has formed this newsletter with the goal of bringing DEI issues, events, and perspectives to the forefront, where they rightly belong. We would like to use this space as an opportunity to highlight the strength of the diversity within our department. In each newsletter, we hope to publish feature articles, interviews, perspectives, or recorded oral histories from people in the department, alumni, and people associated with the department. This is one small step we can take to break down barriers and see one another as humans with different experiences and perspectives rather than as stereotypes. LEARN MORE >> | |  | Claudia M. Gonzalez Arevalo (Housekeeping) provides outstanding service to the MCB Building.MCB has 500 people coming and going each day and Claudia provides a wonderful first impression to anyone who enters Microbiology. Read her story of coming to the United States. READ MORE >> |
|  | Teresa Thompson (CBMG Business Manager) Teresa was born in Washington DC in the 60's in the heart of the Civil Rights Movement. Her parents instilled in her a passion for social justice and civil rights, hence her interest in being a member of the DEI committee. READ MORE >> |
|  | Fuxi Wang (Graduate Student, Liu Lab)Fuxi Wang, a winner of the newly-instituted CBMG DEI award, has made important contributions to our department, including creating a welcoming, inclusive, fair, and open environment. Fuxi has always displayed sensitivity towards people of different backgrounds and can be counted on to speak up on issues relating to fair treatment in classes, the lab, the department, and on campus. READ MORE >> |
|  | Dr. Heven Sze (CBMG Professor Emerita) Heven Sze is a Professor Emerita who started with the department in 1982. During her academic journey, she has faced many challenges, like being viewed as a “faculty wife” and trying to find a healthy balance in her personal and professional life. Read about the hurdles she has faced and overcome in the 2005 article published in the American Society of Plant Biologists Newsletter. READ MORE >> |
| | | | FACULTY & RESEARCH | | Cytonemes coordinate asymmetric signaling and organization in the Drosophila muscle progenitor nicheRecent paper published by Akshay Patel (Recipient of the Philip J. Provost Graduate Fellowship Award & CoRecipient of the MOCB-BISI M. Zain-Ul-Abedin) and his mentor, Dr. Sougata Roy. Read More >> |
| | | AWARDS | | CMNS Assembly & Employee Awards FestivalThe University of Maryland's College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) recently celebrated its 2022 employee award recipients on April 22, 2022. Click here to see the CBMG winners! |
| | CBMG Undergraduate & Graduate Awards Ceremony - Spring 2022Thank you to all the faculty and staff who nominated their students for their awards this year - it is great to recognize students’ efforts. Read more >> |
| | WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! | We are also interested in hearing about YOUR DEI activities. If you have supported, led, or hosted an event, program, or research that promotes diversity, equity, and/or inclusion within science, our classrooms, or the community, please complete this form so that the DEI Committee can be informed of your efforts! | | We are grateful to alumni and friends whose generosity supports current and future students. To learn more about how you can make a difference, please visit go.umd.edu/cbmggiving. |
| The CBMG Diversity Newsletter is prepared by Priyanka Vengataraman; the Personal Stories feature is developed and edited by Erin Tran. |
| |  | The Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, University of Maryland 1109 Microbiology Building / 4062 Campus Drive / College Park, MD 20742 301.405.5435 / cbmg.umd.edu
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